So much of our daily lives are based on transactional relationships in which we trade, exchange, or make connections with others. While functional and necessary, these are not the most fulfilling aspects of our life experiences. On occasion- -and quite special- -are those types of relationships where mutual trust and inspiration lead people to greater achievement. The focus is not ego centered on being right. It moves beyond efficiency into doing the right things. Through the power of transformational relationships we inspire others to higher levels of achievement.
The satisfaction of realizing that we have made some small contribution, or provided encouragement to others, or assisted in improving the quality of life for someone in need is incredibly rewarding. These experiences make a huge difference in creating a strong sense of community for everyone. As each of us models our interactions with others in a respectful and giving manner, it will help to guide our society in a particularly meaningful way. The “doing for others” concept will serve our future well for generations to come.
A great deal of the meaning and value we experience in our lives is a product of the momentum created by how we live our lives. Thank you for being one who, by being you and touching the lives of others, contributes to the positive influence of education in our schools and District.
Editorial: This entry was written by Nick Brossoit, Superintendent of the Edmonds School District.
You said one thing to me that sticks in my mind. You're 3 rules, can you tell everyone you're rules
Yes, I always found Nick's monthly letter that accompanies our checks to be good examples of "Do as I say, not as I do." Month after month, we are told one thing while we observed another from the ESC. Very destructive to morale. Working with colleagues becomes harder as people either become cheerleaders for the bosses, right or wrong, or they retreat to their classrooms and try to keep from becoming the next target.
As I was reading this post I thought, "What an inspiring letter; Zandberg, you've outdone yourself." Then I saw it was written by the Nickster. And then I realized it must be the letter that accompanies my paycheck--that I never read. I don't look to this Doctor as inspiratios, that's for sure!
Being the next target is the worst fear for those working out in buildings with kids. The monthly letter from the Superintendent always goes in my recycle bin, unread, because the words are not sincere; they sound good, but not heart-felt, as we all know.
I would submit that Mr. Brossoit made a serious mistake in writing this piece. Based on his conduct and that of his ilk, it should have read "The real measure of a person is what they can do TO those who can offer nothing in return."
Yeah, I'm sure that's what he really meant.
Sarcastic that you chose a picture of Mother Theresa to accompany Nick's letter. I would think that had she really known of him, even she would have been inclined to offer an obscene gesture his way.
Nick writes well but it is do as I say not as I do. Wouldn't it be a great place to work if what he says is what we see and feel everyday at the workplace?
He is a figurehead. These are not his words, they are borrowed from other authors. He tells you what he thinks you expect to hear. He maintains his position. It takes the honest and the intuitive to recognize that this is not money well spent. Real leadership is hard to come by, but it must be out there somewhere. How patient can we be?
You can fool some people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time!
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
16 President of the United State of America.
Please step down
that job could be yours, NOT!
The really sad thing is that he probably believes he is an honest and sincere person. Actions, however, speak louder than words.
Based on the response this posting has received, it is clear to many of us that he is full of it!
Maybe he could be the new Granite Falls superintendent.
They have already announced the three finalists for the Granite Falls position and Nick was not among them.
If HR from the Edmonds School District was running the show, they could slip in Nick's application and then promptly declare him the new superintendent.
They are clearly desperate in Granite if they hired an alcoholic as a consultant.
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