If you look at the letter mailed to parents of school district students, you will quickly see how impressive the lower photograph is. It shows an inflated amount of property by comparison to what is depicted as "Old Cedar Valley School Property". It also shows a small, ski manufacturing business in the lower left as belonging to the District.
Now, if you look at the reality of their $5,600,000.00 purchase, the upper photograph, you quickly see that the newly acquired piece of contaminated property is significantly smaller than what the District initially wanted parents to believe. You will also see that the business in the lower left has been eliminated from the outline.
This is clearly a distortion of a physical certainty to accommodate the message of a corrupt administration.
They must think we are stupid. Of course, if they lower the District's educational standards any further, they may end up with a majority of people believing these types of distortions.
I want to know if nick or marla new the martin llc in the pasted? If for some reason they have mutual friends the gig is up.
maybe someone in the edmonds clubs.
Look at the PORN at the warehouse, they do think were stupid. Just look at the standards they give some people in the Edmonds School District.
Where have the stupid people gone?
I know, to upper management. maybe in the corners of the building.
I've been waiting for this piece. I really thought at one time that I would be pointing this out. Thank You, I figured there must be some aspect I was overlooking. I guess the community relations girl just wanted the world to believe that this should simply be dismissed as an honest mistake. Now I know that Miss Jakala is not honest. Fool me once, okay!? Beyond that I'm done listening to the lies. What part of my position puts me in a box that forces me to lie for the district in order to keep my job? Sorry, not so far! Yippy for me. Something a few of you might take a look at.
Similar issues with graphs issued with Climate Surveys. The '04 graph in the '04 survey is not the same as the '04 graph in the '05 survey. Sloppy work? Intentional "error"? Whatever; visually, you are not as aware of the decline in the staff support of the administration.
We understand a news report aired Monday evening questioning the purchase price the District paid for the property where our (bus) transportation/maintenance services will be relocated. You may recall that two weeks ago, we sent all staff and parents of our District a letter explaining the facts about this purchase. This letter is available to read on the district’s website at www.edmonds.wednet.edu. Please share it with other community members who may have questions.
If anyone wishes to ask questions specifically about the purchase, please contact Marla Miller at 425-431-7036 or millerm@edmonds.wednet.edu.
The cat is out of the bag. This property deal was a sham. It's a shame the taxpayers have to take the brunt of the districts inept adminstration. I've got some lakefront for sale Marla, care to take a look see?
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