Albert Einstein is credited with saying, "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."
A platform in which community and staff of the Edmonds School District can network, discuss issues and render aid toward resolving problems. This site is not managed by the Edmonds School District and they are not responsible for its content. Opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by the moderator.
Is Marla Miller getting thousands of calls and e-mails lately? Every article or letter says to call her with your questions. Is she the only one who can answer questions?
Board members don't understand real estate issues and the presentation of this transaction must have been a real snow job.
Have you ever seen anything other than "All Aye" in response to a motion?
Like the Piano Scam, this was Marla's scheme from the beginning. She is the only one that knows why she did this to the District.
Notice how she sat alone in the interview? What happened to a show of support?
Oh yeah, Debbie Jakala was sitting in the room.
Someone else might ask too many questions and someone might actually investigate to find the answer and Marla wouldn't want that. So you must call Marla to get the untruth.
Marla will need to hire another assistant just to respond to those calls and emails. Just wait and watch she will have a substitute that was working in HR now will work in her area. I think Marla decided she didn't want to work with the union to hire a Office Personnel person so she is getting around it by hiring a substitute not in the OP group. You see the union said they wanted to be part of the hiring of this OP person. This employee will make more money per hour then someone in the OP group. Interesting!!
Where is the Superintendent when all these issues come to light? Hiding under his desk?? Most of the articles in the weblog are aimed at Marla Miller; does this indicate she is running the show while Nick meets with his "round table" folks smiling and asking the local clubs/organizations, i.e Rotary, Kiwanis, for money to support programs for kids. He sure gets paid a large salary to for his "services".
Is anyone listening? Does anyone care? The Edmonds School District has sank to an all time low. My heart aches that so many, so called adults are wrapped up in power and getting to the top, stepping on anyone in their way. Marla has been power hungry since the day she set foot on the Edmonds School District #15 property.
When I came to the Edmonds School District there was a real Superintendent, named Brian Benzel and a real Human Resource Director, named Penny Peters. Since these folks left, the district has gone to hell in a hand basket. Moral values are gone, along with caring for the students and workers. When this transition took place, Marla saw the perfect opportunity to take over. In the Edmonds School District, everythings comes through her. Every decision about any and everything must have her blessing. My question is, why?
Human Resource is not human. The word human does not exist in that department. The Benefits Department is too busy taking care of their personal affairs on district time to help anyone. They can be rude and get the blessing of their supervisor. The entire area of HR, Benefits and Payroll can do any, and everything that would like. They do not have to provide customer service, after all they are under the HR umbrella. Heaven help you if you do not drop everything you are doing and take care of their needs. Marla Miller will cast you into pit of fire.
Marla loves intimating folks. She loves to call you into her office on a Friday afternoon and step all over you and smerk as she stabs you repeatly, and if you do not bleed heavy, she gets a bigger knife. She loves sending you home on the weekend hurting and humilated, because her title allows for that kind of treatment. If you try to defend yourself, she will kick you, until you can no longer speak. Does HR allow this? You better believe they allow this treatment. Marla gets away with whatever she wants. She does not have to answer to anyone. She has climbed that ladder of success stepping on the heads of anyone in her way. Marla, the same people you met going up, just remember, they are the same ones you meet coming down. I so wish that you could be human.
Thank You above. HR is at least as corrupt as B&O. These people treat district employees like SH!+. It is one thing to do nothing. A completely different level when you lie to your employees. Just put a tent over that circus. Beware of the clown at the top. Beautiful to have somebody with the title superintendent taking more days off than she works. Then again, that department is all about booking the next vacation. A bit twisted for my liking. Keep giving yourselves raises. You sure deserve it. Hey, can we play "spin the clown"? No, my way.
I have to agree with one of the comments on this page about Human Resources department, however, I was taken back by including the Benefits Department in this "group". I have experienced nothing but TOTAL support from the Benefits department as an employee and now as a retiree. Katie Sherwood has gone out of her way to help employees who are close or at retirment age, assisting the planning of retirement, conducting Retirement Seminars in which other Districts attend because their Districts do not provide this kind of support. I have also received information and support regarding the District Medical/Dental plans, plus other District offered benefits. Ms. Sherwood also conducts a Benefits Fair in which she invites vendors from the various Health, Dental, Life insurance, etc., that offer coverage to District employees. The rest of Human Resources remains in question, but I would not consider the Benefits Department in this "group".
Yes, I have known Katie Sherwood for many years and she was very helpful and knowledgeable when I was preparing for retirement. She's a real gem, and they stand out among stones.
Benefits has always been helpful and courteous to me. Snakes lie low in the weeds elsewhere in HR.
Katie can be very helpful but it depends who you are and who your boss is.
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