Sadie Armijo forwarded me your concerns as she is no longer the Audit Manager for the Everett office. Thank you for expressing your concerns regarding the Edmonds School District. We will take these into consideration during our next audit of the District. We will let you know of any results we find related to your concerns once the audit is completed.
When is the next audit?
We do not have a scheduled time to begin the audit yet. Traditionally, the audit concludes and the report is published sometime from March to May. This year’s audit is likely to be in the same timeframe.
You should take a look at the office space at the ESC being used by non-profits. Powerful Partners has never paid what they have been billed and they call it a donation on their I990.
See attached.
Thank you for bringing that issue to our attention. We will include this with your other concerns in our risk assessment for the upcoming audit.
How are things going with the audit of the Edmonds School District. Did you see the King 5 story?
We did see the King 5 story, but thank you for passing along your concern to us. We are still in the fieldwork stage of the audit and cannot discuss any audit results yet. We will respond to the concerns you have forwarded to us once the audit has completed. At this time, we expect the report to be issued sometime in April.
How often does one of these audits actually "find" wrongdoing? What, if any, consequences could there be as a result of a finding? Just curious....
Can they do audits on the sick and vacation leaves of the "Penneys"? I'd like to see that!
Are either of the "Penneys" actually working or are they out on leave? Just curious......
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