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District can't find their own property on a map.
Someone is getting a little ambitious with laying claim to real estate in Lynnwood. The diagram to the left includes a business immediately south of the District's entrance to their contaminated site. It is a business that manufactures skis. Perhaps Marla seeks to diversify the District's mission and start an apprenticeship program where students that fail the District's watered down math curriculum could be put to work making skis. With the proceeds funneled to the appropriate friends and business associates.
We already know this property transaction is mired in the District's delusional sense of reality. Now their illustrations reveal just how far District leadership has slipped into the confusion of their own propaganda.
Editorial: Sorry for the District's black and white image. Perhaps they are trying to save money by not creating pdfs in color.
By the way, the outside consultants that created this letter (because no one in Community Relations could do so) refers to the "Bus Ramp" at the Lynnwood Park and Ride as belonging to Metro. Metro is in King County. Snohomish County has Community Transit.
An error in the photo like that would only be caused by...
a)someone was in a big hurry to stop the bad publicity of, or
b)someone was in a big hurry cause they know the truth is getting too close, or
c)someone was in a big hurry and they're stupid.
It appears that the Board went on a retreat on January 22nd to plan their latest ejectumenta.
Dear Key Communicators,
Thank you for reading the Letter from the Superintendent we emailed on Friday. I have heard back from several of you offering your support and thanks for the information. I would like to apologize for the small error in the aerial map and have sent a link to the corrected version we have re-posted to the website:
Inadvertently, a portion of property not owned by the School District was included in the boundary outline on this map. We have corrected the map to outline only the portion now owned by the District. Thank you for your understanding and do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions.
Debbie Jakala
Community Relations
The district can't count money. How can they do deals? Oh thats right we have the super duper Marla Miller to take us to the prom or to the promise land. But the promise land will cost more than that dirty prom dress. A hole lot more.
Was there DNA collected off that prom dress? Let us open another investigation so we can hone our smearing skills at taxpayers expense. The outcome is a foregone conclusion . We all know the result is INCONCLUSIVE. And we all know who is responsible for getting that practice perfected. Just take a pleasant drive down memory lane. You'll still find him doing lots of nothing.
Sit down Debbie and take a peek at the real world. How ignorant? You're trustworthy for sure. Oh company me!
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