With the start of a New Year comes the opportunity to clean out those old key chains! We will be conducting a KEY AUDIT of all employees in the ESC building on MONDAY JANUARY 14 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. and TUESDAY JANUARY 15 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.
We will be in the MAIN FOYER OF THE ESC and will need a response from every employee in order to facilitate an accurate audit. Please be prepared to bring any and all Edmonds School District keys that you have including keys to the main doors, departments, and file cabinets. This process of updating our records will help to improve the overall security of our facility here at the ESC.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
I am wondering where former employees might go to turn in their keys? Will there be an amnesty or reward program? If great grand masters are sold to students (the ones that have been expelled for not following board policy), we could fetch as much as $200. Will the District provide an incentive? Maybe exchange sets of great grand master keys for that highly-prized South Snohomish County Chamber of Commerce membership coupon for District employees.
Call me a cynic but I am guessing the FileMaker Pro database is still missing. Every person in the ESC had their key numbers tracked. I guess management now knows how inefficient it is to delete a user account - even if you detest the user.
Also unfortunate is the fact that everyone in the building has to have their day interrupted just so they can help management re-invent a 6 year old database. What would happen if I told you that a copy of that database is in the ESC? There's a hard copy in the vault, but then that is likely the only thing you have to go on.
Don't you have developer responses to do?
So they spend God knows how much money and resources rifling through Mark's hard drive but they can't find the database for who has which keys to the ESC? That is just bizarre.
Aw shucks, you expect the new property managare to be able to use File Maker Pro? She just learned how to send an email!
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