Contracts requiring competitive bidding — Violations by municipal officer — Penalties.
In addition to any other remedies or penalties contained in any law, municipal charter, ordinance, resolution or other enactment, any municipal officer by or through whom or under whose supervision, in whole or in part, any contract is made in wilful and intentional violation of any law, municipal charter, ordinance, resolution or other enactment requiring competitive bidding upon such contract shall be held liable to a civil penalty of not less than three hundred dollars and may be held liable, jointly and severally with any other such municipal officer, for all consequential damages to the municipal corporation. If, as a result of a criminal action, the violation is found to have been intentional, the municipal officer shall immediately forfeit his office. For purposes of this section, "municipal officer" shall mean an "officer" or "municipal officer" as those terms are defined in RCW 42.23.020(2).
Let me guess, she's going to step down tomorrow???????????
The correct statute is;
RCW 28A.335.190
Advertising for bids -- Competitive bid procedures -- Purchases from inmate work programs -- Telephone or written quotation solicitation, limitations -- Emergencies.
I would love those RCWs if District #15 would simply follow those RCWs. Administration completely ignores State law. Another fine example for our children. My son seems to be able to follow direction. I know because I communicate with his teacher. Beyond our teachers and principals, are simple rules, written in basic english, that hard to follow? That's right, I forgot. Never mind!
The need to advertise for bids was obvious to me, and I am not an assistant superintendent that should know better. The penalties seem more informative.
The transaction happened. No competitive bid process was followed. The seller is a friend of the buyer. Leasing was just a way to finance the purchase. It all seems very clear to me.
Perhaps there might be a way to reinterpret those RCWs and perhaps legal can use this Thanksgiving vacation to come up with something.
There are several other violations that will roll out - when time allows. Stay tuned.
Another example of something the auditors missed.
Legal weighs in...
"immediately forfeit HIS office" means the RCW does not apply to Marla, since she is not a man.
SHE is a "smart" woman! Has someone else purchase the items in question!
If she was smart,she would be without controversy. Not that smart as viewed from my house.
"Smart" was written with tongue in cheek! I believe that "she" has others doing her "dirty" work.
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