Of course, I told the caller that I was the author of the letter and that I don't stand behind what I wrote - I stand in front of it. I don't hide behind my opinions. I also informed him that it was my personal view and that he was interrupting by calling me at work.
He then recited my home address and told me that he knew where I lived. Of course, by this stage in the call, I had already Googled his telephone number from the Caller ID to confirm my suspicions. The caller was Roger Hertrich.
Before the call ended, Roger wanted to make sure that I heard him say that he was "going to have my job". In retrospect, I am a little bewildered. There were only two applicants for Planning and Property Management Specialist and Roger's name was not among them. If he wanted my job, he really should have applied for it. With the connections he obviously has with District Management, he would have been a shoo-in.
Who is Roger Hertrich? Is he the "multiple people" Marla referred to in her letter to you?
Hey esd15,
want does Roger do for work?
I would call that phone call a threat.
I know a guy that got a job from his friends. He's got friends in HR & foodservice. The Ap's left with a WHSE drivers. "greg" took them home to finger them, to make sure our man would get the job! God, only you know what goes on up there.
Does Roger Hertrich have a wife who teaches or subs in the ESD? I also agree that the phone call Mark received at work was a definite "threat".
I regards to the guy who has friends in HR and Food Service,and the app's left with a warehouse driver; are you referring to "Greg", who retired from the district at least two years ago? Just curious.
Who is this guy Greg?
Yes it is Greg Stevenson. The unofficial "Application Bandit". He was the one who took the aps home to help Chuck get the Supervisor position. Bet that selection has been second guessed more than once.
I don't believe Greg knew he was doing anything wrong after all that was the history of the district. Lots of stuff got taken home and many positions were filled with people that would not have otherwise even been considered. Some were not even considered for an interview through the screen process and low and behold their name shows up on the interview list. Unbelieveable then and still!
Hum - Hum - in the interest of being factual & truthful, is Mark claiming Roger's telephone appeared on the school district caller id? Very interesting, every time Roger calls my telephone number the caller id shows private. What's the difference between the district’s equipment and my home caller id? Let's get our stories straight. Being factual and truthful may accomplish the vision statement of your blog. But then again this is the internet, maybe being factual is not that important.
I wonder if Greg Stevenson took the apps home at the direction of someone in HR? I knew him as an honest, hard working employee. There is probably more to this story than one knows about.
I do not work for the Distict any longer, but know a lot of "stuff". Does anyone know if Tracy from HR, is back from her "leave of absense"?
To 11/26 @ 8:14 PM
You are aware that telephone customers can have their number made to appear "Private" at any time after they create an account. I was there when Mark got the call.
Sorry ladies and gentlemen, Greg knew exactly what he was doing.
Are you sure Greg wasn't instructed to deliver the app's. by his sister in HR??
Well when I think about it, my boss never applied for the job he wanted, and he got it!
He must have declined their offer of the job, hence it had to be posted.
It is really strange when someone responds in an inappropriate way to letters-to-the-editor.
Several years ago the P-I printed a letter of mine; I subsequently received a call from some guy in Kansas with a very negative and threatening message.
The American social compact includes free speech. Letters to the editor are a forum provided by the publisher to encourage public DIALOGUE, not personal THREATS. The compact doesn't allow you to respond in this manner. If you disagree with the author of a letter, guest editorial, or a blog you have the right (even the obligation) to respond with a reasoned letter-to-the-editor or a considered response to the blog.
Threatening people is a big part of what is wrong with the management of this district. One cannot do one's job properly when one is being threatened. Take it one step further; since most of the district employees are classroom teachers, threats make them less able to do their job-teaching.
If a question from a subordinate causes you to threaten that person's job, perhaps you do not belong in the ranks of management. It may be an indication that you have been promoted beyond your level of competency. Read the oldie but goodie "The Peter Principle," if you don't know what that means.
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