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PORN! a simple question.
If you had porn on your computer at work would you have a job?
If you went on vacation or called in sick & did'nt turn in a Hr 100. Would you have a job?
Well if I was him I would. My wife works in that corrupt department, so I'm safe.
Ignoring the "two people counting cash" requirement in the district vault.
Is this person at CPM, ESC, HR or WHSE?
How about transferring ASB monies
(student money) to General fund?
Warehouse to 1124942!
Thank You for your concern.
I'm upset with myself. I almost forgot to tell the YES BOY to "keep up the good work". That's all. Thanks.
Add in the numerous examples of purchase orders being written AFTER the goods or services have already been received.
Plus - duplicate and over payments in A/P
Plus - manual warrants - Are they covering something up?
Don't forget the property transactions!
Are you including the issues already exposed on this blog?
1. Gary and Kay Noble conflict of interest.
2. Powerful Partners gift of public funds.
3. Bid law being violated.
I'm sure there are others....
as far as HR100's I often wonder how they are kept track of. I track them in our dept. but I wonder what other dept. do? I have an idea that mid managers and supervisors and even Assist. Supt. could forget turn them in and get away with it. Best to stay legal after all it could be what leads to termination depending on who you are and who you work for.
They don't forget to turn them in....They remember not to turn them in. You just have to know Traci.
There is one major fact that is being overlooked here. Marla will not let anyone speak with the auditors. She will give instructions to Manny that he is the contact for them and he will carry out her orders and inform the auditors to come to him only with any questions and if he is not there, Marla will be the contact. What I don't understand is, if Marla is not quilty and there is nothing to hide, then why are all these issues being discussed on the blog? Who is or is not telling the truth? Will the real truth please stand up?
The non-union employees do not turn in HR-100's becasue they can "save" their hours for buy-back or retirement credits for paying for health care premiums (after retirement). It is my understanding that Tracy (Traci)is out on a medical leave. Am I correct?
I don't understand why 2 people have not been in the vault during money counting since we had the embezzlement. I for one would not work alone in the vault in fact I would not enter the vault when money is being counted. And why is there not 2 people there now because someone wants the vault and money to herself. I would think that MM would think that was a little suspicious, but some people don't learn the first time, they need to be slammed again and again before it sinks in.
I cannot believe that there are not two employees in the vault after the embezzlement; I was told when I was employed by ESD that the procedure was in place, but that was a couple of years ago. Hard to believe that the Director cannot see the need for accountability. Duh!!
2 people have never worked in the vault. The word to the auditor was that yes we would have 2 people but the person now counting the money has been fighting the change. Her supervisor supports her behavior mmm I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that the employee's child babysits for the supervisors children. Sounds like a conflict of interest but gee think of the great pay back you get at work. Favorite employee could be one of the bonuses. Grrrrr!
She can do anything and get away with it. Be rude and crude to other employees and hang up the phone on them if she wants with no reprimand to come from the supervisor, her friend! No Friday after noon notice no this employee does not need to worry she has all the money to herself and her supervisor to support everything she does. May they both are getting a little extra $$$ from the vault who would know their is no one watching!
Paying contracted people before contracts are in place or insurance has been approved from risk & safety. Capital fund expenditures being created, adjusted & closed by only 1 person. Supervisor signing requisitions for own purchases & signing purchase orders for same purchase. Why so many manual warrants when paydates are every 2 weeks?
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