11/27 Sorry, still looking through files. For some reason, I have been accumulating them recently.
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Sorry to jump in, but my word, you're a comedian too. Just using HR and investigation in the same sentence already has me rolling. Hey,if enough of us laugh at this upcoming piece,maybe they can reopen the previous inquiry on the "blonde liar", who seems to get everyone in trouble for her fantasy stories. After all,a big part of this latest round of requisitions is due to the fact that she can't keep her mouth shut.
Can't wait until tomorrow!
Does the district maintain their belief of "past practice" in regard to application screeners taking home applicants information? That would make sense to me,because it's all about (NO)accountability baby.
Was the employee from New York and works in payroll? If it is I am not surprised because her husband is an attorney. If I'm wrong SORRY!
I am not aware if the person is from New York. I am not aware if the person is married.
You will have to wait and read the blog entry to piece together the details and come to a conclusion.
Hint: I suspect you are likely correct.
To change your ways: I am told that not only have applications been taken home to "screen" but by some miracle one application for warehouse supervisor appeared when they came back the following day when it hadn't been there previously. Since he got the job the only explanation must be "divine intervention"!
To 11/29
Yes I heard that as well. I feel a bit of comfort knowing that everyone in the district is aware of how he got hired on.
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