The former administrative assistant to Ms Miller spent a good deal of her time prior to her surprising early retirement shredding reams of paperwork. Ms Miller insisted that she had made copies of everything relating to this piano purchase and had provided them in a packet for the auditors. This information was not included in the file the auditors were given however, no matter how much Ms Miller insists it was.
I believe we are left to conclude that these original documents providing proof as to who authorized the double payment of pianos to the "tune" of thousands of dollars (there was even an attempt to pay for them a 3rd time that was successfully halted in defiance of the insistence by Manny Juzon that the purchase go through) have mysteriously disappeared, probably during the mass shredding of what can now only be referred to as evidence.
Again, if you're not guilty of anything then important documents should not go "missing". If you are not guilty of anything why do you lie about providing information to auditors and why do you continue to act so nervously?
Editor: Thank you to another anonymous contributor.
Was a purchase order prepared and sent through the Purchasing Department, with proper signatures, and account code approved, for the pianos? If so, was the PO shredded as well?
Keep it up Babycakes,not only is your ship sinking,but your deckhands are scrambling to get to the bow. You're listing twenty degrees portside, and taking on water through the modified hatches that were not approved by an engineer. Since you're in the Bering on March 22nd 1990, I would recommend about 8 knots to St. Paul, and on arrival, drop anchor and look at the graveyard of motor vessels around you. Nevermind, you don't make it to St. Paul. You are the Captain on the Aleutian Enterprise. You survive, but lose 9 members of your crew, in a disaster that could have been prevented. I don't expect you to feel bad for the lost hands, but spending time in jail might just embarrass someone you enough,to deter you from any foolish acts in the future. License suspended!
Like your subsequent blog entry, she IS guilty of impropriety for the piano scam, property purchases, hiring, powerful partners gift of public funds, and lots of other issues. But it is a lack of checks and balances and accountability to blame. If she would have to actually be transparent and didn't manipulate and intimidate others, most of what has been reported here would not occur. Someone with her overwhelming need for power and control should not be given the opportunity to permeate her insecurities and insufficiences at the expense of our future (the children).
Now that someone (Mark) along with others, are smart enough and care enough to challenge her, she's trying to hide her tracks. But hopefully, the auditors will actually do their job this year! Even if they present findings, however, there is no punishment. With Nick and the school board's lack of leadership, they will simply blame someone or something else (Mark and the blog), and let the money go down the drain just like they did when Marla's bookkeeper embezzled almost a million dollars.
I repeat; was a Purchase Order prepared for the piano purhase? If so, who approved the purchase?
A copy of the purchase order only was delivered to the Auditors on the 2nd purchase. The initial purchase was approved by M Juzon, the 2nd by the District buyer.
the auditors need to interview Marla's former assistant - the one she directed to shred and destroy all of the documents.
Can I ask why nobody knows her name?
A good question... what is her name? Is this a secret??
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