Mayor Gough opened the public hearing. He discussed the purpose, order of speaking and procedures of the hearing. He mentioned that prior to the Question and Answer process, an Executive Session would be held to receive the advice of legal counsel concerning one matter regarding this item.
He noted that they had received a communication from the Edmonds School District dated April 6, 2007 regarding Edmonds School District Street Vacation Request/204th Street SW and associated areas. This was a two-page letter signed by Marla S. Miller, Assistant Superintendent. It was noted that the letter included an attached diagram of parcels in the area associated with the rights of way that are being identified by staff. This letter was included officially in the record.
Staff Presentation:
Public Works Development Services Supervisor Arnold Kay reviewed this matter. He reviewed the history of the area of this proposed street vacation and future use of the proposed street vacations. He stated that after review, staff had concluded that street vacations would not impact current or future traffic plans. He then discussed the five ordinances under consideration and noted that Public Works was recommending vacation of the streets as proposed and approval of the ordinances.
Comment from the School District:
Edward Peters, Capital Projects Director, Edmonds School District, 20420 SW 68th Avenue, Lynnwood, spoke representing Marla Miller who was unable to attend. He stated that he concurred with the information that was presented and offered to answer any questions. He summarized the key points of the recent letter from the school district. The eastern portion of 204th was designated some time ago as a Natural Growth Protected Area (NGPA) and is fenced off. The land is not allowed to be developed or even touched. The school district feels that it is appropriate that the valuation of that land takes that into consideration, as discussed previously by Mr. Kay and as reflected by the diagram and table distributed to Council at the meeting.
I wonder if the eastern portion of 204th, to which Mr. Peters refers, (that is fenced off and not allowed to be developed) was valued at a lower rate than the remainder of the District's $5.6 million site.
Good information; I have always wondered how the "District" planned on a solution to the 2-lane road which is where the new Ad Center, Bus Barn, Maintenance, will be housed. Can you imagine all of the District's school buses, maintenance trucks and general traffic on Cedar Valley Road? There may a plan in place, but I have not heard of any such plan, and I am a regular (daily), reader of the Blog.
I don't understand what a "proposed street vacation" means.
Can we get a tour of this property? It's difficult for me to envision without actually seeing it.
Why are the School Board minutes only online as of Jan 29, 08? There have been 3 meetings since then and the "minutes" are not online. How long does it take to put "minutes" online? Maybe they think (hope) that no one is interested.
I'd give you a tour but we'd have to be on our mountain bikes. I'm beginning to wonder if a motor vehicle can be driven on this 5.6 million dollar contaminated bog that Marla S. Miller purchased?
A City can vacate a street by selling the property that was originally slated to become a street to the adjacent property owners.
I am sure the District did not use the Clendaniel (Raskin) valuation to determine the value for that vacated street.
If touring, wear Tyvek.
Trespassers will be prosecuted. District employees will be persecuted.
The Board minutes are fairly current. I suspect you may be looking in the wrong place. The District website is not an easy place to navigate so you will have to try a few places.
Streets vacation in Rhode Island.
Get it?
North road gets no updates either and their will be hundreds more cars on that road and students walking on a road that has had many accidents where people died. It is a very dangerous road and I think we will learn that the hard way.
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