I just can't see the immediate connection, aside from an act of desperation by the Superintendent to save an ally from the chopping block. The Audiologist's position can be cut and those dollars can be saved, but moving her to a higher paying position, clearly out of her field of expertise, seems like a gift of funds. Is this payback for services rendered to family members (or perhaps someone else)?
Here is a link that provides an overview of the profession of audiologist. If I missed the paragraph about athletic direction, someone please tell me.
A recent memo concerning Cathy Bohnhoff and yet, no mention of athletic programs in the District.
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Starting in 2007-2008, our district will be complying with Washington State requirements for vision and hearing screening of grades kindergarten through grade 3, grades 5 and 7. This is a change from the past when we have screened all elementary grade students and K-8 students as a courtesy. We will comply with regulations by also screening any student who is identified as showing symptoms of hearing or vision difficulties (WAC 246-760-020). This change is the result budget constraints and increased caseloads for our nurses, our audiology staff, and the screening teams.
If you have any questions, please either Cathy Bohnhoff, Audiologist (425-431-7203) or Nancy Sutherland, Health Services Department Chairperson (425-431-1181).
Would someone kindly explain this to the rest of us?
Editorial: The picture above is of a child playing baseball.
Cathy Bohnhoff is a panelist for the UW chapter of NSSLHA. She has a Masters of Science and a Certificate of Clinical Competency-Speech-Language Pathology.
When kids get bonked on the head and start slurring their words, she can help them find their way back to the dugout.
When I read this I thought the esd15blog was crazy---that this couldn't possibly be true! So I called a friend of mine who coaches in the district and she said she just got an e-mail saying some woman named "Cathy" had been hired for this very important position. My friend said she'd talk to others on Monday and find out what this is all about! (I do know that the Superintedent's son is deaf--if that had anything to do with it.)
You've BLOWN this one. According to the people I hear from, the AD position is going to Jan Baglau, who ALSO has absolutely no coaching experience.
Its not Cathy, its Jan Beglau who's getting the job.
a baseball is white and 9 inchs around and you hit the white ball with a thing called a bat.
Football might be tuff to figure out.
Nick, can you do anything right?
I'm starting to think the ship is sailing with Capt. Crunch...
Capt. Crunch I love that little guy. I use to eat that stuff and love it. Now it hurts my roof of my mouth.
I don't make up the news, I just report it. Apparently, an email already went out announcing this appointment.
I had previously heard that Jan Beglau and Ken Limon were going to split Terri's work load - until a replacement can be found.
Since this position wasn't even posted, I am not sure where things stand.
If someone wants to forward a copy of the email that went out, I would be happy to post it.
At $101,000.00 a year, it would be a lateral move for Jan.
And how does Ken have time to take on more work? How long has he not been working 40 hours a week?
The coaches were all told that it is JAN who is taking the job which NEVER posted. It was a "lets save JAN" move by her pals, the asst supts and the supe. It's also totally absurd and a smack in the face to Terry and the TWO people who are currently doing the job. Jan has no coaching experience, has never worked a day or a second in athletics, and has ZERO support from the coaches.
Another NUTZO move by the district.
I think she's a jogger. Does that help?
At today’s P-12 meeting you heard that in addition to other ideas which will be processed in the next few weeks, there are some non-school administrative adjustments and consolidations included to address the 08-09 operational budget. One of these adjustments in my area is with the Student Outreach and Support Department. Jan Beglau has headed that department for 4 years. Among her responsibilities are assisting administrators with student discipline appeals, threat assessment, readmissions, Safe and Drug Free Schools, Becca, Homeless identifications and transportation, drop out prevention, and other areas.
We are doing some work to reorganize administrative responsibilities so that Jan can perform the work as Athletic Director for the district, a position vacated by Terri McMahon’s leave and retirement. Jan has all the skills and abilities to become a high quality director. Her flexibility in accepting this position is truly admirable. She will continue with some of her present assignment; however, other responsibilities are being taken by different administrators including Mark Madison, Sue Venable and me. Once all of this is re-organized, we will be sharing a new organizational chart so you will know who is responsible for which areas for the 08-09 school year, beginning July 1st this summer.
Please join me in welcoming her to this new position and sharing our appreciation for her work in all areas.
Well, that settles it. Another position officially dumbed down.
Did an Assistant Superintendent say that Jan was Qualified because she is fit and she skis? That wouldn't have been you Ken eh? What the F are you thinking? That is a horribly disparaging comment, if that is true. No wonder Granite kicked you out of town.
I think this has to be a career-killer for Dr. Limon. What is he thinking?
You cannot kill that which is dead. Granite Falls revealed a flatliner.
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