I wanted to let you know that June 30, 2008 will be my last day serving as Manager of Business Operations. I will continue working in the Business Services department after June 30, but in a different position and part-time capacity.
Thank you for all of the support you have provided; I appreciate the opportunity working with you over the years.
All the best-
The new assignment...
Subject: Reminder: Send in your endorsement stamps
Good morning, everyone
Just a reminder for you to please send in your endorsement stamps for the back of checks if the imprint is not legible.
We will refurbish your endorsement stamp by cleaning the rubber surface if necessary, and either re-inking the stamp pad or replacing it completely if that is what is needed. Send in your endorsement stamp to my attention via regular in-district mail. I'll make sure the endorsement stamps are returned to you when the regular mail run resumes on April 7.
Thank you- and I hope you have a wonderful spring break.
Mark -
You need to add another picture with the face dimmed out....
Is this for-real? Who received this e-mail (like people at the ESC or who?). We sure didn't get it out in the schools. Why is he going to part-time---any inside scoop here?
Alright, and yes I have seen the email. Nevermind, I still don't have anything nice to say. This also will be a very slow process. Hopefully this is an indication of "The beginning of the end". Thank You Mark.
Intersting. Manny gets a part-time position and in exchange has to hang out long enough to be the fall guy when the auditors finalize their report. I bet when it flies, Marla will make sure it lands on him.
Now if I could just borrow Mannys Umbrella so I don't get hit by a falling shoe.
emial went out to all ESC and office managers/p12
Will there be a district spin that involves a medical condition?
Time is coming for all who played the game!
Laura big pay raise.
Debby big pay raise.
Sup staff big pay raise.
Student services time to up.
Look at "Sara Conroy" 90k. you go girl. Kitchen worker to Barbara Lloyds toy! good job. I'm jealous "yes" I'd love to be her toy.
I think the next will be the WHSE supervisor. Just a guess.
The next should be his wife in HR.
Manny is a good man. Like many of you, he is a loving husband and a wonderful father. Like many of you, he has his own set of pressures and slights and situations that he was afraid to point out in the workplace for fear of retribution.
He is a human being and what I have seen transpire is nothing short of criminal. He is just the kind of guy that the vipers will attack and individuals will set up as a fall guy.
Those of you who profess that he was Marla’s “pet”, well, where is she now? How come, amidst all of the venom that has been spewed against him, has he not become yet ANOTHER assistant superintendant? How come Marla has NEVER stood up for this man? It’s as plain as the nose on my face…I doubt all of the claims and accusations made against him…as well as the claims made against many others named by name and called childish names on this blog.
Let the man go gracefully and leave him be. From what I've observed, the ESD is a den of meanness, bullying and individuals who care nothing about what is right but by how things look. Many of those who post ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You are no better than the corrupt that "lead" the ESD. Ugly is ugly is ugly is ugly…wrong is wrong is wrong is wrong.
Who will stand up for Manny...for any of us for that matter? The ESD is not a safe place to work…if you are not liked, you are out…whether it be literally like Manny, the Reuthher’s or Mark or the many others who have been forced out.
And, “being out” takes on MANY faces. You can be berated by your supervisor or discounted by your manager or gossiped about by your co-workers or targeted as a “disgruntled employee” or ruined by false accusations and half-truths. Not a single person is safe from the witch hunts that go on in all of the buildings that make up the ESD...for shame!
I think I'll pop open a 7-up to celebrate.
This is the beginning of the END of the current Business Services Management at Edmonds School District - YEAH!!
It may be that Manny is a great guy and that he deserves much more than he is currently getting (aside from money), but he is in the wrong line of work.
Like most, if not all of the people mentioned on this blog, they are average, tolerable people. They just shouldn't be trusted with public money.
If you study bullying, you know that this is exactly what you get when the bullies are left to play-a workplace that is not safe. For anybody. Morale goes in the toilet. People keep their heads down to hang onto their jobs. Fear of "spies" creates a hostile work enviroment. "Who's next?" "If they can do that to YOU, what can they do to me?" You may fear being seen with those in the inner circle. Or those who are targets. Fear runs your day. Runs your life. Good people quit and "go somewhere else." Those who can't get away get sick, physically and mentally. The whole thing goes to hell in a handbasket.
Imagine what the bullying is like when you are in a school building when there are kids around. Do you think they don't know what's going on? Wrong. While running a unit on bullying, students asked both of us if we were being bullied and actually NAMED the bullies. They are not stupid. When Chris left MMS (because of continued bullying from the new principal), the halls were out of control. Kids were afraid to use the bathrooms. Why? Because the student bullies were in control. They had seen the adult example and used it as their own. That's why our terribly weak RCW urges (but doesn't require) the adults in the school to model "appropriate behavior."
This is axactly why I remained in contact with Tam Osborne-to try to get the bullying stopped. Why? Because I thought (and still think) that I had (have) a duty to the students that I taught to protect them. Call me old fashioned. I'm sure that Limon, et. al. assumed that I would just "go away" when I was booted. When I didn't, a no trespass order was eventually signed out against us, yet another example of bullying.
In May 2005 a colleague approached me and said, "I see how you are being treated" (notice they didn't say 'I notice how you are behaving') "and I want to know if you own a gun. I want to know if you are going to go out to your car, get a gun and shoot up the place." I assured her I do not own a gun and never have. Two years later, I found an interesting statistic-the victim of bullying is 5 times more likely to kill themselves than kill the bully. This is a "fact" as evidenced by years of study; it is NOT an opinion. I wanted my former colleague to know this. I sent an e-mail thanking them for being so observant and concerned back in '05 and told them what I had found. I went on to say that "if you see bullying going on in the future, your concern should rightly be directed toward the victim of the bullying rather than the bully." This is the comment (along with Chris going to the public meeting and "outing" the former principal as a bully, someone she was still afraid of) that drew the no trespass order from Limon. Suddenly, because I am aware and can and will talk freely about certain aspects of bullying, Limon decided that I was a physical threat to the students and faculty at MMS. It is an unbelievable leap of reasoning, if you know me, but it worked for Ken. (After Ken notified the staff at MMS that I was such a danger [even though I live 240 miles away], teachers who did not know me were terrified enough to run drills to get their students into the science store room and safety, in case I ever showed up. Ken engendered a false fear against me. Could you folks at Perkins look up "slander"?)
It is unfortunate that the situation at Edmonds has been reduced to this level. Many former employees are heartsick that this has happened. Many who are still employed there are literally sick of it.
What goes down, comes around. You reap what you sow. The bullies have had their day. They should go. Now.
Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.
Then let's hear Manny's side of the story right here on the blog. Right now he looks like he's a big part of the problem--so Manny, tell the truth about what happens at the ESC. Leave the "dark side of the Force."
Forward this blog entry to Manny and ask him to post his side of the story.
Sorry. We can't access that address; we are blocked from the district e-mail system. Even when it became apparent that the District had mishandled some of our final deductions for a private retirement account, we couldn't simply e-mail Limon. (Edmonds was the ONLY district in the country to fail to notice a change in address for this firm. We still do not know if the money was ever sent to the right place.) Not to mention the wasted use of LPD time and resources parking a car in the MMS parking lot for several weeks to keep us away.
Tracy Penney must be released ASAP. Maybe her husband as well. Her ongoing one hour lunches,sneaking out early with her her husband Clyde,fake auto accidents,medical excuses,stealing district time by not submitting HR 100's for years, putting her husband on that same plan, many excuses to be late for work,criticizing others work when she's almost never present,costing Liz Westermark a potential job with the district,delegates her workload because she doesn't work,and covers up for all Clydes mistakes. Is there any paper left? Again, the district is getting reamed by the Penneys by allowing them to commute to work. They do not work the same schedule, so when one leaves, the other goes home just because. The only similarity in their schedule is that neither is capable of putting in a full eight hours, and it is getting worse bt the day. If anyone after reading this is in a position to give the district a quick upgrade by letting both of them go, please do so. Literally hundreds and maybe thousands of lives in the district would change for the better. This is the Penneys legacy at the Edmonds School District.
Don't leave out the fact that Chuck Penney, the warehouse supervisor has held his position more than two years after his computer was confiscated by technology and later sent to a forensics lab that discovered more than 500 pornographic images downloaded onto his hard drive under his profile. This cannot be disputed.
School positions reduced to keep district on budget
Declining enrollment leads to overstaffing; two employees reassigned to teaching posts
Published March 25, 2008
Stanwood-Camano News Staff Reporter
Erik Titus, Stanwood Middle School athletic director, and Scott Summers, Port Susan Middle School assistant principal, have been reassigned to teaching positions in order to keep the district within budget constraints.
Gary Platt, executive director of business and operations, said that due to the decline in student enrollment during the past few years, the district has found itself “a little overstaffed.”
While planning for next school year’s budget, Platt said the district had to look at the state’s certified, classified and administrative staffing allocation models and trim back a few administrative positions.
Staffing models follow state funding parameters based in part on the number of students within district boundaries.
Hmmm...Maybe ESD could follow the lead of one of their fellow Snohomish County school districts and "reassign" some other folks from the ranks of assistant superintendent back into the classroom...
If the Porn Kings computer was sent to a forensic expert and poronography was found, why wasn't he fired? I have heard that there was lack of evidence to convict him. What more does one need for proof that he did, in fact, load and view pornography on a District computer? Perhaps he blamed others in the department for logging on to his computer; surely he has a secret password. The Warehouse drivers have better things to do, such as serving the district by supporting buildings, moving furniture, mail, etc. The Warehouse "guys" have always had a good reputation and were respected by all they serve. How can one person destroy this reputation? Warehouse drivers/workers can know that they will sleep at night and know they have done a good job, despite a "thorn in their side" they must call their supervisor. What a shame.
porn guy eyes are watching you!
It was interesting watching porn guy easedrop when Barb Lloyd and Cathi Birdsong were having a meeting in one of the meeting rooms. He stood there at least 3 minutes with head down and bend forward to listen. I walked down the hall shortly after and you could certainly hear them talking. Now that's a supervisor for you must be part of his assignment.
To above, who had to witness that creep listening in. Can you lend what day,date and roughly the time that the warehouse supervisor Chuck Penney was listening in on that meeting? It would be much appreciated. I would like to be certain that this behavior did not have bearing on some very important meetings that took place in conference room 1B this past week. Thank You.
I wonder why the Porn King spends so much time at ESC; isn't his office at the Warehouse?? How is he allowed to wander the halls and eavsdrop (sp) on employees as mentioned on this page. Perhaps he is also checking in on his wife in HR, while wandering around the ESC.
If it was Friday, he could not have been checking on his wife. She missed roll call again. Proud of her though. She worked almost three full days this past week. Or parts of four days to bring her actual work hours to about twenty two. Not bad for a seasoned vet. We can't have expectations of her that are unreasonable. I'm almost certain that there is a full work week just waiting to bust out of her.
Is Debby Carter blind?? She oversees the HR department; I would think that she or her assistant, would be concerned about the attendance of Mrs. Penney. When I was employed by the District, I completed an HR-100, which is required for Payroll purposes, was very seldom absent, gave 28 years of service and was still ushered out the back door for false allegations. What's wrong with this picture?
Debby is not blind, just ignorant. Tracy only pretends to be blind
when she is looking for an HR100.
Amazing skill though when it comes to braille and finding the doors to sneak out of the building. Eyes wide open in Mexico. Shut when the plane lands at SeaTac. Can't see lines so well on 527 to help guide her to work on time. Funny her eyes are optimal again if there is a 1+ hour lunch in the forecast.
regarding the meeting with BL and CB it was morning (not sure of time) and last week. It was room
1B where he was standing. I thought it was quite amusing to see an adult stand and listen in on a meeting all he needed was a glass to hold against the wall or door. At first I thought he was waiting to go in and join the meeting but then he walked into the Food Service area that was the last I saw of him.
Chuck Penney should be fired for crap like that. What Pondscum would do that? Turn him in if you saw him doing that. The evidence against him continues to be documented and mounting. This is a "Must Go" person in the district.
Wow! I think this "post" has received the most comments ever!!
We will have to wait and see, but this blog may have helped contribute to the demotion and eventual phasing out of Manny Juzon. We await the results of the special performance audit which we were helped to direct comments to from this blog. He is finally gotten rid of with a budget cut being used as the reasonable excuse, but this should have been done by Marla in 2001.
It is surprising that anyone claiming to know him would suggest that this is at all unfair. Manny has been a recipient of gift of public funds for his entire tenure with the District. He has always been in positions for which he has never been qualified, either professionally or personally. He has continued to be a huge detriment and liability to the District, but he has always been protected by Marla and HR. Do we know why? No. This type of parasite exists everywhere though, in private business it usually involves nepotism. In this case for some reason he ran his luck far too long. His management was amongst the worst, his abilities clearly absent causing much short and long term damage to the District. Do not weep for him, he probably made over a million in salary from the District and the only stress he was under was wondering when he would eventually be found out! In the meantime he took out his feelings of insecurity, incompetence and inadequacy out on so many around him. His karma doesn't look to serve him too well in the future. Good riddance.
Good for above for not making up excuses for this type of person. Don't get hit by this next falling shoe. It is filled to the laces with ego. I can't feel sorry for these overpaid "Do Nothings". It pisses me off that they get hired in the first place. Only to protect others. Same effort goes in to projecting a higher enrollment. You know, lets hope also that there have been some lessons learned from some of these poor hires. Bottom line, you don't have to feel sorry for them.
A really Big shoe!
Once again I refer to Robert Sutton's current book on the subject of bullying, "The No Asshole Rule."
He counsels to do everything you can to NOT hire a bully and if one sneaks through, don't let them have anything to do with hiring anyone else because they will hire other bullies. Bullies who have a hand in hiring will replicate; they will hire other bullies or weak, ineffective people so they can a) look good in comparasion and/or b) use the hire to aid in their bullying.
Sometimes having a bully around releases a person's inner bully and they join in, perhaps as a defensive mechanism so that they don't get targeted or (as in at least one case at MMS) they are given "permission" from the bully to help target a particular person so that they (the new bully) can get a department chair or some other perk.
That seems, from the discussions on the blog over the past few months, to be what has happened in Edmonds. Bullies hiring other bullies or poorly qualified workers (who will be beholden to the bully for their job) or bullies spontaneously arising for the masses. The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. -Edmond Burke (paraphrased)
Bullies will continue to make poor decisions because they do not trust other people who may know more/better. They can't look bad, so they will create chaos to blame others for their short comings. The workplace will be a place to avoid rather than enjoyed. Get rid of the bullies and you will go a long way to solving most of the problems outlined in the blog.
The NYTimes ran an article recently discussing proposals in various states to put bullying under "healthy workplace" regulations. Several have already done so.
Call your legislator.
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