At today’s P-12 meeting you heard that in addition to other ideas which will be processed in the next few weeks, there are some non-school administrative adjustments and consolidations included to address the 08-09 operational budget. [Translation: We have started the process of saving our friends.] One of these adjustments in my area is with the Student Outreach and Support Department. Jan Beglau has headed that department for 4 years. Among her responsibilities are assisting administrators with student discipline appeals, threat assessment, readmissions, Safe and Drug Free Schools, Becca, Homeless identifications and transportation, drop out prevention, and other areas. [Translation: This is an area slated to see budget reductions. It offers the greatest sympathy from our supportive public and maximizes the chances of passing an unrelated Tech levy.]
We are doing some work to reorganize administrative responsibilities so that Jan can perform the work as Athletic Director for the district, a position vacated by Terri McMahon’s leave and retirement. [Her last name is actually spelled McMahan] Jan has all the skills and abilities to become a high quality director. [Translation: On-the-job training, at taxpayer expense.] Her flexibility in accepting this position is truly admirable. [Dodging a budget axe is more about survival and instinct] She will continue with some of her present assignment; however, other responsibilities are being taken by different administrators including Mark Madison, Sue Venable and me. [How can people who were apparently working 40 hours a week, now take on more work?] Once all of this is re-organized, we will be sharing a new organizational chart so you will know who is responsible for which areas for the 08-09 school year, beginning July 1st this summer.
Please join me in welcoming her to this new position and sharing our appreciation for her work in all areas.
Ken [Limon]
This appears to set the record straight. Clearly the reports about Cathy Bohnhoff were premature. It is hard to predict the actions of a public agency that doesn't follow the rules.
So, how will Ken, Mark, Sue and Jan divide up Jan's old workload and salary? The suspense is thrilling. I hope it lasts.
I'm really curious about the LEGALITY of offering someone a job that they have NO experience with, and NO qualifications for.
I thought that the district HAD to post this position. Mark, what's up with that???
You must be new to the blog. The District follows no rules and does not care about the appropriate use of public funds.
They could argue that they have such bad luck with posting positions that they have abandoned the practice entirely.
Can Ken be this unsmart?
OK, but in all seriousness, they can't just give her the job, can they??? Without a single interview??
They can (no oversight) and just did (no regard).
Perhaps Jan looked the most athletic among management's friends.
The usual career path to athletic directorship is either through the ranks of coaching (where you get lots of first hand practice, knowledge and understanding of athletic rules) or through administration ([state admin credentials required] where you get a lot of first hand knowledge of "the system" and how to navigate through it).
Is either the case here?
To 3/24/08 3:56 p.m. and 10:40 p.m.
If you are one of the chosen few, jobs are created for you. The most glaring example is Manny Juzon, who is referred to over and over on this blog. He was unqualified for the position he applied for so Marla CREATED a managers position for him. He has contributed nothing to the school district; in fact, I would say, contributed greatly to it's demise.
I wonder how some of our highschool Athletic or Activities Directors feel about this move? Would they not be good candidates for a position like Jan got? This is such a bunch of BS. Another slimey move brought to you by our administration. Way to class up the joint again, there Mr. Lemon.
Jan Beglau is a great person, but she's no Athletic Director. Ken Limon again has shown his ignorance in filling a position at the Edmonds School District #15. This guy is worthless and definitely has his head between his legs. He would rather destroy students than think of there well being. There are a lot of coaches out there who think of winning and nothing more. They will use your children to accomplish this goal. Mountlake Terrace is one high school with Athletic programs that should be watched, and I think the WIAA should be made aware of the wrong, if not illegal doings in their Athletic programs. The Administration at Mountlake Terrace High School leaves a lot to be desired. But look what Supt. Staff member that school falls under. You guessed it, Ken Limon. Need I say more. Coaches, Parents and others, say goodbye to the Athletic Program at the Edmonds School District #15. Teri McMahan was the GREATEST, and she tried very hard to build a good program for the students and the Edmonds School District #15. Please voters, send a message for change. Ken Limon should not be allowed to work in an environment where kids or human beings are involved.
Ken, why are you in the Edmonds School District #15? You do not care about education. Is this an easy way for you to make money? How can you live with yourself each day? Athletics should not be the basis for going to school, but it does give kids an outlet and for some, scholarships to further their education. Your goal is to make sure that never happens again, and with this move you are making sure that happens. I hope you never get another job in education. Students and Parents of the Edmonds School District #15 be aware that Ken Limon, with this move, makes it very clear that he does not care about you.
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