In the summer of 2007, the blog posted an email exchange between a woman named Kirsten and Nick Brossoit. That woman's name was actually a pen name that I used because I already knew that Nick would lie if I used my own name or, more likely, ignore me entirely. To improve my chances of getting a response, I used a female's name, thinking Nick would be more inclined to chat with a woman. I was right. Click here and read the following entry from the blog to see the source of Nick's confusion.
Whenever I make a comment on my own blog, I use my registered account name ESD15.org. What "Nicky Suspenders" is hoping to create is a degree of uncertainty among the blog's many readers. If he can convince you that no one supports this blog, maybe you might grow tired of reading it and move on to something less challenging to District management. The many of you that read the blog and submit your comments know the strength of our forum.
The easiest way to demonstrate the high volume of traffic we receive every day is to provide our records from StatCounter. Unfortunately, I have the settings adjusted to only retain the last 500 entries and I periodically delete all of those records just to provide the added comfort to our many contributors that still work at the District.
How does Nick think the blog received information about the Piano Scam? What about the fraud in Human Resources regarding AFLAC? How would I ever get copies of the email sent by Cathy Birdsong that criticize Carmel@? How would I get the handouts that Cathy Birdsong distributed at a presentation to employees at the District? How would I get information about Pat Mason and what happened to her in Maintenance? How would I get an internal email from Laura Barney discussing the status of benefits for employees? How would I know about the small fortune spent on reconfiguring cubicles that now sit empty? How would I know that security staff that were hired after I left the District are paid full wages and benefits for sitting at home? I would I know about a deal struck between an employee, his union and the District? How would I ever know how bad the new Property Management Clericalist is? How would I know about Brian Harding's attempts to track my whereabouts during the last two weeks of my employment?
Fortunately, I don't have to prove anything to Nick. However, Nick believes that he has to convince staff that the blog is just the senseless tirade of one disgruntled employee. Well, Nick, the records speak for themselves and ultimately my peers will determine the strength of my allegations.
Blog: Thanks to the many unnamed members of district staff that forwarded their concerns about the Superintendent's statements. Apparently, he thinks you do not exist.
I am a teacher in the Edmonds School District and I know I don't exist in Nick's eyes. Every time I meet him or pass him in the hall at our school (which is only once a year) he acts as though he's never seen me before, never met me before and/or has certainly never before heard my name. And I've been in the district looooooonnnggggg before he arrived so I'm not exactly "the new gal".
All this proves is that Dr. Brossoit does not understand the way technology works. Look at the number of comments posted to your articles and anyone can see that this is a large community having a dialog about the issues that matter to the people of the district. Remember, this is only word of mouth among district employees. The site was shared with my (a parent) only from a retired district employee.
When an inefficient organizations can not control a thing, fear the thing. District management may, at any time, refute the ideas presented here in an open and free forum. They have chosen not to do so. One can only assume that this is because they cannot control the medium or that what they have to say is invalid. Either is an untenable position.
District Management is attempting to marginalize EDS15.org as a "disgruntled employee with grudge". While politically appealing, it is a silly idea. Mark has a reputation of putting all ideas forward without filter (aside from profanity, etc).
Hmmmmm... I see an article for the blog here.
Perhaps we can do a count off for Nick, like the passengers of the US Airways jet did as they left the plane as it floated down the Hudson River.
I'm 3
That is very helpful, 3.
I would be 4, except for accounting purposes, I will not include myself.
I'm 4
And how would you have known about Nick telling staff it's a one man show?
I am five.
I love you nick and circus co. i'm on your side when it comes to you leaving the district, to chase your dreams of becoming a circus clown.
marla would be good at, you know the guy in the middle doing all the talking.
ken would be the clown coming out of the small car guy, like he does now, just put a red nose on him when you see him walking bye.
we all must not forget the 3 amigos, doing all those crazy tricks on hors.
Frankly, I don't want Nick knowing how many people contribute to this site. I think that keeping him in the dark is much more fun.
I am Spartacus!
I got a one man show for the nickster get lost and I'll find you. don't wait for me.
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