Board Policy 6810 used to state that, "No person shall be employed by the district who is the spouse or dependent child of any member of the Board of Directors or of the superintendent."
Board Policy 1260 used to state that, "No member of the Board, or any spouse or dependent relative of such member, shall receive or accept any compensation or reward for services rendered to the District."
Even after lunch, the class, with minimal prodding, was able to make the distinction between these two different rules and conclude that they basically describe the same restriction. While the sentences had to be broken into sections, for ease of discussion, the concepts were fairly clear and straight forward.
Surprisingly, the task didn't take a lot of time and it wasn't too complicated for them to understand. It also didn't involve the payment of a small fortune in legal fees or the input from sluggish hacks from the State Auditor's Office. Clearly, the Board of Directors for the Edmonds School District is just too stupid or corrupt to follow simple rules that even children can understand.
Blog: Thanks to Mrs. J for her email.
Those darn, little, 5th grade whipper-snappers! They can figure out anything--including Facebook and MySpace!
These people Need to go. Where else can they go and steal money from school age kids and get away with it.
I thank you agian Mark and all the people that stand beside you in this great movement.
We are going to take back our schools from the evils that walk small and steal from us and our kids.
Someones got to be watching the money, go right from the school district to the pockets of the attorney's right?
Is that the states job or the job of the school board to pay the bills, for these attorneys. I know these guys are not cheap.
I would think the district attorneys are getting aroung $500.00 to $1,000.00 per hr. Wow, thats a lot of money, then were going though bugets cuts.
Just step down.
Nothing new here. Students could probably do a better job than most administrators.
Great post ESD15.org. This is like comparing apples to oranges, Marla Miller said that one.
Where are the state officials on this matter.
Actually, I think it was Jim Irish or John Koster in the King 5 interview about the District's understanding of what an appraisal is supposed to achieve.
Marla is more likely to hire Perkins Coie to get orange juice from apples. It won't happen and eventually OJ goes to jail.
Nice, and who else got a letter from Marla this weekend? The district must somehow be breaching another collective bargaining agreement. SEIU 925 is not available for comment because they are busy spending our money on high price attorneys in Costa Rica and California. Oh yeah, Andy Stern can't stay out of court. Kinda like ESD #15.
Also a 5th grader would not be delinquent on their bills. Neither would the fifth graders parents.
Custodian stupidvisor, caught wasting time with SPOUSE! you pick one.
make a post about layoffs
Lets not forget about the Pesky Hr person.
Some in HR would be eliminated by third graders.
Talking about food at the ESC when a former employee goes to the ESC kitchen they get extra helpings of food because they are "special". She brags about being special as the reason she gets larger servings while I pay the same and get the regular serving size. How does that work? She doesn't even like the FS Dept. she left. Whose dumber or dumber??
Would this be the same employee who brags about not having to come to work on time and who gets to leave early without accountabiity? She gets to be special with shedding a few tears. Her supervisor needs to wake up and see how little she does in the line of work, but plenty of work in the gossip arena. By the way, don't blame others if your orders are not received. You first have to stop gossiping and do the work you were hired to perform. The next time FS is having their special turkey lunch, can we all mention your name and get our lunch done special and with extra portions, for the same price?
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