Marla told me in front of Nick that "other school districts charge PTA's for facilities use" totally false – I took an hour to check and gave her my findings. Her response? "Whoops! My mistake! I'm very sorry". Ok – once, I get it, clerical error. Then she and Nick said that the fee has ALWAYS been there – just at $1 per hour – so I checked again. After calling all the elementary schools in ESD, I found that no one has EVER charged PTA's for facilities use (except janitorial if after hours). Not 1 hour after I made my calls, did I get an email from Marla "Can you please not bother schools while we are starting schools? Schools are calling me about this" – Right. Let's not bother ourselves with the FACTS. Oh, and don't let the schools actually KNOW about the policy so we have to explain what we did.
Oh – and in the email she sent, she asked me to settle down? She attached the prior rate sheet "proving" that Group I gets charged $1 per hour and conveniently forgot to attach the policy that PARENT GROUPS ARE EXEMPT FROM FEES. Once a mistake – twice, well, I don't want to say.
What gets me is the amount of effort that is going into this to "work with" the district to have them do the right thing. When facts contradict the objective, just ignore the problem until it is a crisis (it worked for the "cheese sandwich issue" didn't it?).
Public Outrage seems to be the only thing the Board understands. Let the parents know what is going on. Local school staffs, inform your parents of the new official policy and ask your parents to express their opinion. (You can't get in trouble for informing people of the official policy can you?) PTA Groups, speak loudly. The people working for the District can't do it for you because of the fear ESC has created. Most people don't know that it even exists and the Board seems to want to keep it that way. Marla is going to present a "new proposal" to the board on 9/23 – I wonder what it will be? Until then, keep charging those fees!
I know some people in executive district administration read this – do the right thing. Don't let ESD continue to lead the way in charging groups to volunteer their time. It's just plain wrong and it's embarrassing to be part of this community.
Rick Jorgensen
Concerned Parent and Community Volunteer
Blog: While "Powerful Partners" has never paid rent and changed their name to avoid their financial obligations described in their lease, they have premium, full-time space in the ESC and pay nothing for it.
This is an excellent article. Thank you for writing it. I appreciate someone new telling us about their interaction with Mick (that's short for Marla/Nick). I will be at the Sept. 23rd board meeting to hear what Marla has to say.
I thought it was customary for the tabloids to use the male name first, like Brangelina, TomKat and Bennifer. I suppose "Mick" does precisely that.
Marla do you have a splitting headache, or do I hurt because your head is split! Smarten up! Get lost!
The only way to get something changed quickly is by public humiliation (like a Shrammie). Otherwise things will occur on Tam's/Marla's/Nick's timeframe, not yours! (I suppose the 3 of them are "Tamarick")
I have been told more than a few times that the media does not want complicated stories. They target the audience we create through our public schools. If we continue to churn out a poorly educated majority, the media will not attempt to backfill intelligence.
For those of us bright enough to see the corruption under our noses, we should seek enlightenment from an alternate forum.
Would somebody with maybe a bit more knowledge than me explain the individual heat units at Beverly El? What I have learned is that one of those classroom units has the ability to heat 8 classrooms, or two complete pods. So how is it that there is one of these beasts in each room? Oh by the way, 10 grand was it per unit? Marla would you care to address which one of your friends did the install?
By the way your friends missed their deadline, so what is the impact there? Jackhammers at 8 in the morning. You must be kidding. Nice environment you have created for these students. The teachers should kick your az!!!!! You are a worthless POS. If my kid was at that school, I would have you and Nick sit in room 14, and see how difficult it is to call Arnie Tucker on a cell phone about the latest scam!
I posted the comment above, even though it contained the unknown "POS", which in my world means "Point of Sale".
For the record, please refrain from using profane language. Your points are great ones, but your delivery may make it difficult to post the entire comment.
I agree with Mark; writers, concerned citizens, please proof read your comments before clicking on PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT. Profanity and poor choices of wording makes us all look like idiots, who are not educated and do not think before speaking. I know readers get upset, and certainly should be, about the operations and concerns of the ESD, but let's have some "class" here; a certain Assistant Superintendent surely doesn't (however SHE thinks SHE does). WORDS OF ADVISE: Read your comments, get your facts, before publishing your comments. Thanks.
Funny thing happened on the way to Ballard Market. I got your attention. I am not going to be so concerned about language, and content. I will let my heart lead the way. If you don't like it,Pizz upa rope. I will be the man that gets ship done. OUT!
Whoever you are, I like your comments. Your perspective is much appreciated by everyone that reads this blog - aside from the obvious holdouts on the second floor of the ESC.
I will continue to post whatever I can, but please forgive me if something doesn't make it on the blog.
The problem with being PC and worrying yourself with everyone elses concerns, is that nothing EVER gets accomplished. Thank You for considering most of my material, and I understand that not all of my writings can be posted. I will continue to taylor my work according to blog needs. Thank You all, and lets keep pushing. Most of you are much better than I at getting your point across. I have to admit I feel so fortunate to have anything posted on this site. I will continue to work for a better District!
Ranting will not solve the problem. You must channel that anger into positive action. It will be a slow process, but write to the Board; send copies to the media. Attend EVERY Board meeting. Respectfully suggest that you have no TRUST in either the Board or the administration. These people have lost the district MILLIONS of dollars and cost an untold amount of damage to their workers. Edmonds is the laughing stock of the state; people or pointing and laughing from all corners of the state.
Suggest that they stop parsing the truth, stand up like caring adults and take corrective action or else face, at best, strong opposition in next election or, at worse, the consequence of a recall. In either case, the community will be torn apart and further damage will be done to the education of the students.
And aren't we supposed to be doing "what's right for kids?"
Well, tonight was interesting. I attended the long awaited meeting in which Nick directed Marla to "get some feedback from the PTA".
Basically, she come in to "explain the new policy" as if it was fiat accompli with the caveat that "we know we have to make some changes". No questions, no asking for the PTA's opinion, just "here is what we are doing". That is certainly NOT what was committed to be done. One sure way not to get an opinion you don't like is to not ask for it in the first place.
The only interesting thing that transpired was that they will not have a recommendation until October and to "just keep doing what you were last year". Wait - now DON'T follow current District Policy? Hummmmm. I think that some crazy parent made a statement that the policy was not ready for prime time back in August. I guess we will just sit back and do what we are told at that time.
Sit Ubu sit.
Mr. jorgensen:
Unfortunately, your experience with Marla isn't much different from our(employee)experiences. Sit down, shut up, and yes, be happy about it.
ATTENTION NICK/HR/SCHOOL BOARD!! Please do something about her! You are her boss and she's ruining all of the good things being done in Edmonds.
Dear "Loyal Employee":
I'm very sorry about the situation that you must live with each day. I also understand your need to be anonymous. I can only tell you that I'll continue to work to find more effective ways of bringing change (or at least a dissenting opinion) to the board. I take your post as a "word of encouragement".
Hope to see you at the board meeting tonight!
"The situation that you live with" is poison. Working for a bully or near a bully is not good for your physical or mental health. Increased blood pressure, lack of good sleep, depression. It's a long list.
Being a target or fearing becoming a target makes going to work a daunting experience. EVERY DAY. Sometimes you have to stop on your way to work and vomit at the side of the road.
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