Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:47 AM
To: Ann McMurray; Noble, Gary; Paine, Susan; Shields, Pat; Phillips, Susan
Subject: Exit conference w/Auditor
The exit conference with the auditor has been scheduled for Wednesday, 4/23, from 2:30-3:30. We are to invite the Board to attend. Please let me know if any of you are available. Thanks much.
JoAnn Kerns
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
Edmonds School District #15
425-431-7003 (phone)
425-431-7182 (fax)
From: Kerns, JoAnn (ESC)
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:04 AM
To: Courtney Amonsen
Subject: FW: Exit conference w/Auditor
Hi Courtney,
Just letting you know that the Board has been invited to the exit conference.
From: Courtney Amonsen
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 3:16 PM
To: Rita Ann Fadel
Subject: Edmonds SD Audit Completion Letter
Hi Rita,
Last one, I promise. Can you send a copy of the attached exit document to the following board members who were not able to attend the exit conference?
The following Board Members did not attend:
Susan Paine
Ann McMurray
Susan Phillips
Gary Noble
The address is:
20420 68th Ave. W.
Lynnwood, WA 98036 – 7400
Courtney Amonsen
Assistant Audit Manager
Washington State Auditor's Office
3501 Colby Avenue, Suite 100B
Everett, WA 98201-4794
(425) 257-2137 - Main Line
(425) 257-2149 - Fax
I want to work overtime from home " MR.Big/Jim Roberts"
Hey Debby Carter,
Can I work from home passing out Cheese Sandwiches.
Yes Debby, I did work 20hrs overtime over the weekend!
I'm as hard as a good worker should be....
Are you here just collect a dollar?
Step up and be the man you can be Not the man you are right now!
We need just a little leadership from you.
I mean just step out of the box you're in.
Remember the 3 things you talk about.
I am really at a loss. I can't remember a year where I have heard LESS from the head shed in, well forever.
No serious initiatives that I can think of (and I don't think that Math counts), no sense of urgency to improve graduation, and no sense that our financial house is out of order.
What am I missing? Starts with an "L" and ends in "eadership." I get the feeling that everyone has resumes out and are just chillin' to the Spring. The ESC is like a dead zone, where there are no new ideas brimming, no positive forces moving forward, no activity.
It's why we get hung up on $%^ing sandwiches and the fact that parents aren't paying for lunch when we should be talking about how to engage students in learning.
This year just feels like a wasted opportunity, which will soon just become a long fight over "which of the elementary schools that we already know are actually GOING to close, and when."
Can't wait for those board meetings. Actually, I can't wait for them -- because it means that significant members of our community are going to sit up and take notice of the board...and this board.
Mark, are you allowed to do handouts in front of the ESD? Or at the various open houses that will take place this month?
Assuming that most School Board members work in the community, wouldn't you expect the Auditor's office to hold a night meeting to go over something as important as an exit conference? Teachers go back at night for important events (open house, conferences, etc.)
I can't believe the board felt the audit was so unimportant. Just shows how much they care about the staff that works with the students. We're here for the students why can't they be here to support us. guess I am asking way too much!
Thank you for the author who wrote about LEADERSHIP from Nick, ESD Superintendent. How can he be called a SUPER-intendent when he does NOTHING TO PROMOTE change and address concerns brought about by parents, employees, auditors, etc. The only thing I read about Nick is his Round-Table Discussions, which are well published in the media. The discussions are limited to a specified criteria, so attendee's are not given the opportunity to ask questions or concerns, other than the "SUBJECT OF THE DAY". His salary is greater than the Governor of the State of Washington! Does this make any sense? What's wrong with this picture, folks?
Everyone needs to attend the October 31st board meeting to hear all the stuff about this audit. It announced in the Herald that the district is having a public invited board meeting regarding this issue. Aren't all board meetings open to the public? Oh well maybe I read the article wrong. Keep up the good work.
Whoa! A board meeting on Halloween? Now THAT'S scary.
The board meeting is on the 21st. The write made an error on the date according to the news article I read.
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