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A platform in which community and staff of the Edmonds School District can network, discuss issues and render aid toward resolving problems. This site is not managed by the Edmonds School District and they are not responsible for its content. Opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by the moderator.
I'm glad the Enterprise finally did something right, even though they didn't mention your url.
I am glad they didn't mention the URL.
Those that support the District's choices by default would visit the blog and start flaming me.
Those that actually care will take the time to Google "Mark Zandberg" and "Blog" and possess the inclination to read a few entries before drawing conclusions.
Yeah, that "flaming" thing. It's a lot of fun when the bosses buddies get the OK to come down on you, too. That's called "mobbing." People often do it so that the boss won't bully them; it's insurance of a kind. "See, Boss? I bite the people you bite; how about a treat for me?"
Dog eat dog world.
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