Title: "How to be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving"
Author: David Richo
We are also not seeking donations. The blog will pay $5.00 for every book mailed to the following address:
ESD15 Blog Book Drive
9003 Olympic View Drive
Edmonds, WA 98026
You can also email us at: mark@esd15.org and we will send a member of staff out to your location to collect the book and drop off a check. If you prefer, you can email us anonymously and we can leave a check for you at our office.
Please make sure the book is in good condition and all of the pages are in tact.
Please don't tell me these were Doug Nathan's remedy to a better Maintenance facility? I would not be surprised. Ask him how things are going around the rest of the district? Hey did he ever consider matters closed in any other departments in the Edmonds School District?
I don't get it. Can someone please explain to me the book drive?
I'd love to contribute a book, but I still don't get it. Is anyone going to explain the book drive to me?
Principles for Principals?
All administrators in the Edmonds School District received this self-help book from the Superintendent. Out of the blue it came, costing the District over $1,000.00. Do we really think it will improve our schools and personnel interaction if we first attempt to improve the love and sex lives of our administrators? Is this really where the problem lies (or lays)?
Oh, so this is like the "Who Moved My Cheese" book that we were required to read when Nick came in. How much money did the taxpayers spend on that one? I understood that several hundred copies were purchased. Where are they now, I wonder.
If you don't know the story, it is a cloying little parable with cute cartoons about how rats die when their food source is moved and they don't adapt.
"Change or die." That's a really inspiring message to put out to employees. Not surprising then that the bullying of senior staff ramped up. Great management philosophy. Is it worth $200+K per year?
As a side note, I heard last night about another book on the job theory of superintendents called "The Three Legged Stool." It explains the function of the superintendent as the person on one corner of a stool who spends his time politicing to maintain a majority of the school board supporting him on another corner, while he is schmoosing the parents into supporting him on the third corner. According to this theory, not much time is actually spent doing "education stuff." It was a new group of people so, for the sake of honesty, I'll say that I haven't quite figured out whether someone was pulling my leg or not. Until further study is concluded, I'll put it into the "Urban Myths" column-something that sounds plausible but is not backed by evidence.
Thank you. I didn't know that all administrators received the book from the Nickster. Did anyone ever ask him why he sent it to everyone? What was the purpose?
Considering the Nickster has been a failure in his own personal relationships, how can he reputably advocate this book?
I hope Ken got one, too. Maybe it would keep him from growling at teachers in the hall.
Does anyone know who Nick is dating these days? Heard some hearsay; just wondered if anyone has any solid information. I hear it is an employee of the District, and this person is in a high paid position.
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