Blog: Demanding that a board member do the right thing does not always result in as much, except maybe a board member with a medical degree working in Edmonds.
Hall was accused of meddling too much in the running of the schools, of being rude and violating School Board policies.
Blog: Once upon a time, School Board policies meant something and most would prefer a gang of rude board members over a crop of misguided fools blowing millions of tax dollars.
When asked after the meeting whether any of the claims were valid, Hall replied: "Absolutely not."
Blog: If a board member says it out loud, then it must be true.
Parent activist Andy Hopson led the charge against Hall, who was elected to the board in November.
"You have attempted to deceive your constituents," said Hopson, who, with the support of many in the 150-plus crowd, asked Hall to resign at the School Board meeting. "You have most certainly violated board policies you were elected to uphold."
Blog: "Attempt[ing] to deceive ... constituents" is seldom a greater travesty than actual deception. Violating board policies seems to be a common offense among elected board members.
Hopson, co-chairman of the district's levy committee and founder of the Mukilteo Schools Foundation, said Hall's letters to Kamiak Principal Bill Sarvis violated board policy that says "the board will not assume the administrative function."
Blog: There you go again, mentioning board policies. They aren't really "policies" per se, just optional guidelines. Just ask Brian Sonntag.
The letters related to a Feb. 8 meeting with Sarvis, assistant Bruce Ullock and the school's Community Relations Committee, of which Hall, whose daughter attends Kamiak, is a member. The meeting was held to discuss possible changes to an athletics drug-and-alcohol policy.
Hall sent Sarvis a letter Feb. 21 saying he and Ullock "looked and sounded totally inept."
Blog: Expressing an unsanitized opinion in writing is the kiss of death in school administration.
"It has become extremely obvious that you only value certain staff members' opinion and that hell will freeze over before the opinions of a representative group like this will be recognized," Hall wrote.
After Sarvis sent Hall a response saying his memo was "inappropriate, inaccurate and derogatory," Hall sent another letter March 11, along with minutes of the original meeting and a list of people who he said supported his version of the meeting.
Blog: Rocking the boat will only force those that fall overboard to tread water or sink.
Critics speaking at the board meeting also accused Hall of lying about site councils, made up of staffers and community members. They help to determine a school's goals, and work with the principal on budgets and other issues.
Critics say a March 22 electronic memo from Hall to Superintendent James Shoemake proves Hall lied to the public when he said at an earlier board meeting that site councils aren't mandated. The e-mail, dated days earlier, complained about Sarvis not supporting a site council and accused him of "insubordination."
Blog: Lying is just the way a school board does business. Swearing to uphold optional guidelines? Is it really a lie? Signing a lease to pay rent in the ESC? They're just words - relax.
Shoemake, who will leave at the end of the year to become the superintendent of Tacoma schools, said the problem was a miscommunication between him and Sarvis, who didn't realize he was supposed to include parents at a meeting he held. Kamiak has since begun meetings between staff members - many of whom were at last night's meeting to express their support for Sarvis - and parents to discuss the issue.
Hall said he saw no problem with his letters to Sarvis because they were from him as a parent, not as a board member. He also didn't see a problem with his letter as a board president to Shoemake about Sarvis and site councils because that was intended as internal correspondence.
Blog: What a great idea. Kay Noble's complaints to Nick Brossoit about Lynnwood High School must be as a member of staff, not as the spouse of a board member.
Tim Allen, a parent, spoke in Hall's defense, saying voters chose Hall, George Anillo and Ron Woldeit in November over incumbents because they wanted change. Allen said that if Hall offended some parents, that needs to be addressed, but that people should see that Hall is working to increase parental involvement.
Blog: Saying you want change and actually implementing change are two entirely different things.
"I was offended as a parent that we weren't involved" in Kamiak's first meeting about site councils, Allen added.
Read the entire article by clicking here.
By Linda W.Y. Parrish
Seattle Times Snohomish County Bureau
If Kamiak was built in 1993, then haven't they always had a site council composed of staff, parents and students? Edmonds has had site council for years--they don't do anything, but every principal knows they're supposed to have parents participate on the site council.
It's difficult to know the truth just by reading this article in the Seattle Times--but I like the controversy that this guy caused!! He just needs to learn not to put anything in writing--just say things verbally and then deny it--that's the Edmonds way!
Some people need to get fired like the girl in HR did And her husband.
No Chuck actually puts it in writing as well. A whole new level of stupid.
hey, this chuck guy sounds kinda fun. you'll think he'll get a job soon. i'm tierd of him sitting at his desk all day doing zero.
if someone wants to look in on him you can he just sits at his desk from 8:00 am to 2:30 every day and yes he still does'nt work a full 8 hrs
By the way, have a nice vacation Buddy, you just hang in there. Your next vacation is the one you have worked so hard for!
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