I wonder if Human Resources will conduct exit interviews to help determine the reason why so many principals are leaving. Of course, there wouldn't be any need to interview if the reasons were already well known. I suspect these departures can be attributed to atmospheric pressure or philosophical differences. Whatever the case, I hope our "dearly departing" find greener pastures elsewhere. In most cases, they will be sorely missed.
The vacant principal positions are located at Beverly, College Place, Edmonds, Meadowdale, Mountlake Terrace, Spruce and Woodway. The seven finalists are Margaret Mesaros, Doug Johnson, Carol Frodge, Dan Davis, Betsy McGregor, Justin Irish and Steve Hopkins.
Editorial: Be sure to attend the Community Forum if your neighborhood elementary school is slated for a change in leadership.
It's pretty amazing that so many principals are leaving, especially those that haven't been here very long. Why is that? Does anybody want to share their point of view?
Go to the community forum and tell them to run (away) as fast as they can!
Well, 7 for 7--now that's convenient! I consider myself a Conservative Democrat--but one of those candidates, a female, is an incredibly Far Left Democrat. I pity the school that gets her! There's in for a bad ride! She will tell you to "get off the bus" if you don't like where she's taking the school!
Clicking on the link for community forum and finalist info, is it odd that the same finalists are listed over and over again for most of the 7 schools?
With so many openings, it seems we're missing a wonderful opportunity to reach out to a variety of candidates for consideration. How much transparency is there in this recruiting/hiring process?
1)"Paper committee" of staff members to review applications, 2) "interview committee" of staff members to interview applicants, 3) "site visitation committee" of staff members who visit the applicant's current work site (you can only serve on one committee),4) finalists selected by administration, 5) "community forum" where finalists are presented to the public, 6) final decision made by administration.
There might be more steps or fewer depending on the circumstances. Experience indicates that candidates don't always tell the truth during the process, making it hard to get the facts. Previous schools may be just as happy to get rid of administrators and might not be upfront, either. The ultimate decision is the administration's, not staff or public. The "get off the bus" types are likely to be hired since that is the kind currently in vogue with administration. Birds of a feather flock together.
One of these finalists has demonstrated a long and colorful history as a teacher, and I am left to wonder why on earth they are being been considered for a administrative position. But then, when I consider the history of verbal abuse toward staff and students, the dishonesty, and the blatant attempts to have peers censured and or terminated – I understand how this person could meet the needs of Nick. I wonder if a certain music teacher has heard about this promotion?
Mallard Miller, Tracy Penguin and Duck Penney!
I think Marla is afraid that once Manny is gone she really will need to deal with her department and won't have anyone to blame. Manny has been her BOY for too long!
What happens when they find that there is only one qualified applicant and that person has applied for all seven positions? Will they simply take second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and then seventh best for the other openings?
There continues to be unfair hiring violations within the District even though we have brought a few examples to public attention through this site. It seems a continuing example of the arrogance of this administration that they are sending the message they will get away with whatever they want to.
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