Seattle Public Schools closed the school, at 3201 E. Republican St., last fall because of declining enrollment. Now the district is considering nonschool uses for the building, and the city's process calls for public meetings before a committee composed of neighborhood, school-district and city representatives.
The city is seeking eight representatives: two who live within 600 feet of the school; one who owns property within 600 feet of the site; two from the general neighborhood; one at-large representative; one from a community organization; and one from the school district.
To apply, write a letter to Thao Tran at the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods stating your interest and affiliation. Include your contact information; letters must be received by Friday. Applicants can fax it to 206-233-5142 or mail it to P.O. Box 94649, Seattle, WA 98124-4649.
Seattle Times
Editorial: What a novel concept for a public agency to seek the input of others when deciding how to use or dispose of publicly-owned property. If only other public agencies were so enlightened.
The Edmonds School District sure seems interested in getting our opinion about where to make the $4million in budget cuts. Oh, that's right, they have a levy they're trying to pass this month! Gosh, I almost forgot! (Actually I already voted "NO".)
For a great number of reasons, the only responsible choice is to vote NO. At the very least, the District's technology choices have been poor at best.
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