Dear Parents, Guardians, and Community Members:
The first County count of ballots for our May 20th Replacement Levy for Technology and Capital Projects shows the measure passing by 63%. There will be another count of ballots on Thursday, May 22nd at 5:00 p.m. by the County. We will provide an update later in the week.
This measure is only subject to a “simple majority” threshold for passing; therefore, this is a fantastic result. It is prudent to wait for more ballots to be counted given those that come in by mail after May 20th; however, historically later ballots cast for school measures tend to be more favorable. Thus, we won’t make a final declaration until it IS official; still, this is really positive.
It is extremely heartwarming to have this level of support in any school election, in particular when the economy and the public’s concerns for their real costs of living are so profound. To have voters express this degree of support in this environment, is testimony to the tremendous commitment our voters have for students and public schools. Your continued caring and competent service for students, learning, and our community – are essential for this community support. Thank you!
We will develop some “district” ways of thanking our community for their support with this measure; however, please extend yourself in any appropriate way to thank those (including yourself) who shared information, volunteered, and/or voted. We are a great district and always working to be even better.
Nick Brossoit, Ed.D.
It is important to keep this "victory" in perspective.
The total number of votes cast in support of the Tech Levy is 83% of the number of students in the District. It would stand to reason that if each child came from a supportive home and had influence (earned or otherwise) over .83 adults, these would comprise the individuals that actually voted in favor of the Tech Levy.
This assumes no involvement from registered voters without children in district schools.
This does not include all of the employees living in the District that would naturally vote to financially support their employer.
Worse still, thirty-six percent of the votes cast were against the Tech Levy. So, if you apply the comparison mentioned above, more than one third of those that took an interest in voting actually voted against the Tech Levy. It might be more prudent for the District to focus on all of that negative energy, not just trying to win over people who don't care enough to vote anyway.
That sort of apathy is entirely unacceptable.
Fun Factoids:
(figures are approximate and as of 5:28 on 05.22.08)
Cost of the District mailer regarding contaminated site: $6,500
Portion that was spent on postage: $6,000
Total number of households based upon .41 stamp: 14,634
Approximate multiplier for potential registered voters per household: 1.7
Approximate number of potential voters that received mailer: 24,877
Total number of ballots cast for or against the Tech Levy: 25,848
Total number of votes supporting Tech Levy: 16,535
Total number of votes rejecting Tech Levy: 9,313
Editor: Congratulations, Nick. Please spend the money appropriately. A dollar goes further if you trim the unnecessary fat and honor the promises you made to voters.
HERE COMES THE POT OF GOLD! Is the fox loss in the hen house now?Is there a way of monitoring how and when the District receives and spends spends this specific levy? Could an over site community be crated by Blog members to watch every nickel spent? We know the District does not keep records of checks so it is a fair assumption that tracking the levy funds will be difficult for the District to do on their own. Will there be some sweetheart vendor deals (Ala piano man)or will equipment be purchased without benefit of fair bidding procedures? Please let the district know we are there to help.
I was shocked by the passage of the levy and the fact that it passed by 60+%!! With all of the news about a downturn in the economy it sure hasn't effected the voters in this area! I'm sure that Nic and friends see this vote as a victory in many areas. Darn!!
41 cents for postage? Don't they get a reduced rate for bulk?
At a meeting on March 14th our Superintendent promised that the "custodial staff will receive new computers" if the levy passes. Most of the equipment now possessed is woefully out of date and barely functional. What Brossoit failed to make apparent is that this may occur as late as 2012.
Further I expect that the definition of "new" will be altered to mean "new to the custodial staff." This will of course free the District to use the money elsewhere and provide more old machines "upgraded" by a hundred dollars or so in parts.
Please remember the outsome of this when considering future levies.
The District will purchase new computers for Administration employees and "pass down" the old ones to Custodians. This has been the practice of the District for years. I worked as an Office Manager in a school; I used my Professional Growth money acquired from the union, to update my office computer, thus saving the District money; do you think they cared or gave a hint of appreciation? NOT!
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