Second, was finding a board member peering into my living room windows from Talbot Road. I happened to have binoculars on hand so quickly looked back and waved. This board member promptly drove away.
Third, was an encounter that happened this morning in QFC. I was buying a few bananas and went through the self service line. Upon exiting, I happened to spot a board member who quickly ducked down behind the checkout counter. I thought perhaps they were tying their shoelaces, but alas, as I walked by, I noticed that the shoes did not have laces.
Maybe I am imagining things. Maybe I am losing my grip on reality. Maybe I will start walking through poorly lit parking lots in downtown Seattle to avoid making eye contact with people.
Editorial: By the way, if you are a board member and you happen to be walking through poorly lit parking lots near the train station to avoid making eye contact with me, please stop. I wouldn't want anyone to slip in the darkness or encounter an unsavory character with criminal conduct on his mind. I promise not to ask any questions, hard ones or otherwise.
The Author just keeps getting better and better with each new article! I particularily enjoyed the story about purchasing some bananas at QFC!
They want dirt on you. So be extra clean. My friend.
Gathering dirt. What was that reference to Stalin in another post? Something about instilling fear in order to get what you want.
I cannot believe that a Board Member was "lurking" around your home, Mark! I wonder what they were looking for? Be sure to lock your doors and windows!
This board member is a sicko. And he is making decisions for our children and spending our dollars.
Why, in the world, would this man be on the school board? Can Edmonds only attract wierdos, illiterates (they can't read and interpret board policy), and followers (they don't question anything e.g. do you see anything other than "all aye" in the meeting minutes)?
Anyone who is dumb enough to walk through a poorly lit parking lot does not have the intellect to sit on a school board and make decisions for other people's children. Can you imagine their poor choices if they cannot make simple ones for their own personal safety?
I actually just ordered these shoes from LL Bean. Maybe with my new shoes, I will win over the board and they will embrace my views with open arms and my evidence with open minds.
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