MJR partners Mike Raskin and Mike McClure develop concept for Woodinville Village while having a beer at Redhook Brewery. The vision: to develop a tasting room along Highway 202 where small wineries could offer samples of their wines.
Idea expands in scale to a four-acre site incorporating not a just tasting room but two wineries, a grocery, restaurant, and banquet facilities. This is currently the site which Novelty Hill and Januik wineries have now begun construction.
A nine-acre site becomes available in the current location of Woodinville Village. Work with the Planning Commission and City of Woodinville begins.
Additional parcel acquired. Site size expands to 18 acres. Initial site plans developed and refined, design team chosen, master planning begins.
August - December 2004
Extensive planning and meetings with the City of Woodinville and the Woodinville Planning Commission to obtain zoning variance in the Woodinville Tourist District in order to include residential (project not viable without residential component).
October 2004
Zoning variance approved by Planning Commission.
December 2004
City Council accepts Planning Commission’s recommendation for zoning variance.
January 2005
MJR drafts proposal to enter into development agreement with City of Woodinville. It would be an unprecedented agreement that would lay the groundwork for more effective collaboration between city government and developers.
July 2005
Edmonds School District buys MJR property in Lynnwood for $3,300,000.00 and provides a seller's bonus of $2,500,000.00 to support the Woodinville Village and Wineries Project.
August 2005
Woodinville City Council unanimously agrees to enter into development agreement with MJR. The two entities will work together to ensure that the vision of the project is in line with the City’s goals for both tourism and residential quality of life.
August 2005 - June 2006
Design review process continues.
September 2006
Retail leasing begins.
March 2006
Additional parcels acquired, bringing total size of project to 24 acres.
Disclaimer: Okay, technically it wasn't a seller's bonus, but since the District overpaid by at least $2,500,000.00, it stands to reason that Raskin happily funneled the proceeds right into his winery project.
I'll be sending the Woodenville city council a link to esd15.org. I think they will find it most interesting and aid in their negotiations with Raskin.
I think Woodinville should see it as a cautionary tale. Raskin appears to have a gift with sweet-talking public employees into emptying out public pockets with a few flowery words.
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