a. The Board shall authorize the superintendent to appoint a site acquisition committee. Such appointment shall be in writing, specify the assignment, list resources available to the committee, name a chairperson and establish a time frame for reporting. The committee shall report to the superintendent;
b. The superintendent or designee shall report to the Board with recommendations regarding site acquisition and may include the report of the committee in such recommendations. The superintendent's report to the Board may be made in a regular public meeting or in an executive session.
c. The director of business services or designee shall prepare a legal description or address for the identified site.
d. The Board shall authorize contact to be made with the owner of the site.
e. Upon Board approval of price and any other conditions of purchase, a warrant shall be drawn covering all acquisition costs, except attorney and/or consultant fees which shall be paid by separate warrants.
f. The warrant shall be placed in a separate Edmonds School District trust fund by the district's attorney. Checks against the trust fund shall be countersigned by at least two (2) of the following persons:
(1) district's attorney
(2) director of business services
(3) superintendent
g. At the first regular Board meeting following issuance of the warrant (Item e.), the district's attorney shall report as to progress in closing the transaction. Within sixty (60) days thereafter, if the transaction has not been closed, the district's attorney shall submit a written report to the Board indicating the reason(s) the transaction has not been closed.
h. Monthly reports shall be made to the superintendent by the director of business services or designee indicating progress on all sites that are being purchased or are in condemnation action.
Editorial: Who was on this mysterious site acquisition committee? Here is the link for those of you following at home.
Dear Duncan,
Regarding the new administration site for the Edmonds School District, I seek one copy of the appointment letters for each person appointed by the superintendent to serve on the site acquisition committee that resulted in the purchase of said site.
Thank you. Happy Holidays.
Mark Zandberg
I'm sure Duncan has a way to explain this one.
The school board might be very interested in reading this too. Oh, but wait, they never ask any questions or read school board policies, so why bother?
I know, maybe the state auditor is interested. Sadly, they couldn't even catch a simple bookkeeper theft and ignore several other situations brought to their attention.
Who really cares anymore?
I do. And I vote.
Ideas for Duncan:
1. Marla comprised a committee of one and was elected chairperson by its members.
2. Committee members all worked for Raskin at MJR Development.
3. Board interpreted "Committee" as "one who is committed" as opposed to "Committer" as "one who commits".
4. "Appointment shall be in writing" didn't rule out invisible ink.
5. Board policies are a work of fiction and shouldn't be taken literally.
6. Board declared martial law in 2004 and suspended the application of policies.
7. Committees make the payment of kick backs just too expensive.
8. We didn't actually think anyone would really buy that site so didn't bother assembling a committee.
9. Committee members fear indictment and would prefer to remain anonymous.
10. Board thought this policy only applied to Catholic superintendents because each person was to be "anointed".
The suspense is killing me. I hope it lasts.
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