Imagine if someone living in Lynnwood wanted to sit on the Edmonds City Council. What sort of effort would be involved in drawing up new boundaries? How easy would it be to convince a jurisdiction to trim away a portion of who they are to accommodate the needs of an individual? What sense would there be in following that path? What would have happened when Bruce eventually left his seat on the school board? Would the boundaries revert to their original locations or would this long finger reaching out to the new Bruce Williams home be a permanent adjustment?
When the blog rolled into town and started asking questions, the Superintendent changed his story. Someone must have told him how difficult it would be to redefine director districts because now he was citing the recommendations drafted by a professional association. Board members can seek re-election from an address in their director district, and can move to another director district at any time after the election. Unfortunately, Bruce Williams moved prior to the election and the Superintendent knew this to be the case because he tried to make a boundary adjustment to keep his favorite board member in compliance.
The blog defines this string of circumstances as election fraud. It would be amusing to discover what the Edmonds School District calls it.
Nick is a liar and a cheater! That is just the opinion of one of his hardest working employees. Hey, maybe that is why I can have an opinion. I actually work hard!
Who was in charge of drawing up the original boundaries? Does the law say anything about when boundaries should/can be changed? What did Bruce Williams do that so endeared him to the Nickster?
The school district calls it a winner. They don't see things quite like the blog!
The boundaries are based upon census data and are adjusted along with the census. Of course, that is just the United States government and when you are in a higher pay grade than the Governor, you get to make up the rules as you go along.
Now if he could just use such self-assigned power to actually accomplish positive things.
How can we fight back when the district doesn't have a clue.
Lets say a person named Cathy B goes around and has no clue what she is doing. How can we help this useless little mind.
Let me be perfectly clear on where I stand with this whole Chuck Penney going away party at the warehouse tomorrow at 2:00pm. Nobody threw Stuart Lane a party on his last day. Just 20 years of honest service with NO probation as the warehouse supervisor. There was no fanfare for Mike Ross when the district let him go.(Oh by the way he did not get the luxury of keeping a chair warm with taxpayers $$$$ for five months like Lazyboy did.) No real party for Gregg stevenson when he retired. Again, about 20 years of service. Dave Colvin worked more than 20 years at the warehouse, and was unceremoniously told goodbye.
There you have nearly 70 years of warehouse experience, including supervisory. What I don't see is a black cloud above those names, that is raining down with pornography and lost days that need to be paid back. Somehow I don't think this is over. To those of you who attend tomorrow: I feel sorry for you. Some of you will have no choice but to attend. I don't have to attend, becouse I have an Email from April 24th 2008 that will be my ticket to ride. The real party took place earler this week, with the men that have big hearts, and GUTS to match.
So much bittnerness is forming in the Edmonds School District. Somewhere we have to stop and take a look at ourselves and ask, DO WE WANT TO BE CONTROLLED BY THE SITUATION, OR DO WE WANT TO CONTROL THE SITUATION? The district has problems, and we need to unite and show them how to behave.
To the person about Cathy B. You poor cry babies in HR, Benefits and Payroll. You are finally being held accountable for your actions. Some of you have been very nasty to your customers, but yet you want everyone to bow at your feet because, you have felt that you were and are better than anyone in the district.
Rather than rise to the occasion to help folks you have treated people very rudely and I think you want everyone to hate Cathy B., because you finally have to treat people with respect as you want to be treated. GROW UP! You know none of us are handcuffed to the Edmonds School District #15. The door is wide open for us to leave at anytime. So if you are going to stay, shut up, sit down and make a contribution that counts for making the work place better for everyone.
The mantra at MMS during the bullying of senior staff was "If you don't like it here, go someplace else." This was the frequently and publicly stated position of administration. This is the mantra of the bullies.
The choice is clear: 1) leave or 2) stay and change the way business is done. The "choice" of staying, sitting down and shutting up is not a choice; it is acquiescence to the bully.
Thank you to the author of the article about the party for Porn King. I knew all of the Warehouse guys you mentioned, plus don't forget Lloyd, retired several years ago. Stuart, Dave, Gregg, Lloyd, were all decent, hard working individuals who worked well together, gave their best efforts to their work tasks, and worked as a "team". Where have the "good old days" gone? Some say change is good, but not when it comes to "work ethics". My hope is that the remaining Warehouse employees can work with the new supervisor to bring harmony and respect back to the Warehouse. Chuck Penney has brought nothing to the position and has "tarnished" his reputation (if he ever had one), and has caused dissention amongst the "guys". Hang in there, Dale, Dave, Boyd, Fred; you guys are awesome!
Good work Chuck. You just cost the district a bundle of time and money. Since you decided to keep the chair warm until this day, and not go quietly, I will make some noise of my own! Apparently you never figured out that I don't turtle, duck or dodge anybody on any issue. I will stick my chin in anything I believe in. You on the other hand end your employment ducking me. You have left, and put the Edmonds School District in a bind. You have left the dirty work to somebody else. Classy for sure. I kept my cool with you for 4 long years. My focus to this point will be with you, and I hold you responsible for all of the problems on Birch way. I will be glad to give the Edmonds School District a chance to respond to my evaluation. Let me be clear that there will be NO mickey mouse club with this on the table. I feel that my idea of reasonable response time should be fair. I don't believe that I am horribly demanding. I will also leave the door open for any supervisor who wants to come out of retirement, and have a friendly little debate with me. Based on your history and nobody to protect you now, I think that might be a stretch for you to answer the bell. I beg that no employer consider you for hire. You got just what you deserved stepping in to the Edmonds School District. And I still have not used the "P" word to my advantage. Bye! Bye! Chuck Penney!
Your favorite 197 pounder!
Thank You above for the kind words!
I am reluctant to post anything here, because I love my job and the people with whom I work. It's worth it one time, though, just to echo and reinforce the comments about Boyd, Dale, Dave and Fred (in alphabetical order, cuz they are all first!) and thank them for the work they do. In all my time, at all my schools, their daily "visits" are like sunshine. Great guys, kind men, pleasant, professional - role models for every single person in the district in terms of customer service and getting the job done. Thank you, guys! I don't know the details of your problems at the Warehouse (which, alone, is an indicator of their professionalism) but whatever you're going through, you are ROCKSTARS on a daily basis. Thank you!
Thanks for the "ECHO"; I wrote the article about the Warehouse guys; I am retired, but will have life-long memories of the "RAY OF SUNSHINE" they always brought when delivering the mail each day to the office. Many of us secretaries fed them, (they loved candy bars) praised them and thanked them in many ways for their service. I feel so passionate about the situation they have had to endure while under the supervison of Chuck Penney. Let's hope & pray that they will have the opportunity to be themselves once again and be happy in their work. They are ROCK STARS! WTG GUYS!
It is people like the ones in the above posts,that make it a no brainer to punch in every day and try to make the Edmonds School District the best thing goin! My child is the beneficiary
of your positive reinforcement!
Thank You
There are many GOOD, decent people working at the Edmonds School District, who care about their jobs, which reflects on kids. When kids see HARMONY in the work place, they feel safe. The employees in the schools work for the betterment/education of KIDS. Most of the issues herein are about upper management; they (with some exceptions), could care less about kids, just look at their FAT pay checks every month. The REAL employes are those out working with kids on a daily basis. I do realize the District needs a Business office, HR Department, Food Services, Payroll, Benefits, Athletic office, etc., as these Departments support employees, however, we must acknowledge that we are all employed for the EDUCATION of CHILDREN, no matter who or where one works at the Edmonds School District.
The District should be concerned primarily with the educational needs of our students. While there are many great schools, great administrators and great teachers, this blog is primarily concerned with the operations side of the house.
While PTAs raise nickels and dimes with bake sales and something-a-thons, the operations side of the house funnels millions away to friends of management. If they refuse to spend resources wisely in operations, the reason to exist becomes threatened by improper expenditures by the subordinate sphere.
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