This year, faced with about $4.1 million in cuts for the 2008-09, they've decided to maintain the current student-teacher ratio. Instead, they are looking at cuts in administration, including administrative jobs, as well as in other areas.
Officials didn't want to raise the student-teacher ratio again, said Marla Miller, assistant superintendent.
"All the cuts we're looking at now are coming from outside the classroom teachers," she said. "We're trying not to double up on things that took reductions last year. It's pretty serious."
As for administrative cuts, officials are looking at cutting four manager positions and some supervisory and support positions.
They aren't ready to announce which jobs those are because they haven't had a chance to talk to everyone affected, Miller said. She said the exact number of positions being considered for closure hasn't been finalized.
A recommendation on job closures and other cuts will go to the Edmonds School Board, which has the final say, she said. Two job closures have already been announced, including the director of student support and outreach programs. That position was held by Jan Beglau, who has taken a job as the district's new director of athletics.
Second, a manager in the business and operations department is transferring to a part-time professional-technical position.
"Wherever we have retirements, we will look at whether the position needs to be filled," Miller said.
For example, Reg Clarke, director of transportation, is retiring this year. That position will be filled, Miller said.
Read the rest of the story by clicking here.
By Sarah Koenig
Enterprise reporter
Interesting article; I wonder if Marla will follow through, or if this is just "lip service" for the press.
Probably the latter.
Do you suppose that the Herald/Enterprise might print a different kind of article if they don't cut back?
Of course it's just "lip service" or putting a "spin" on it that will satisfy the part of the general public that reads the newspaper.
This week I'm going to a public meeting of the Shoreline School District to see how they handle public input on their budget. The new school board members in Shoreline (elected fall, 07) are committed to having open, transparent meetings to discuss all aspects of their budget. They are predicting that by June, 08 Shoreline's budget will no longer be in "the red" and instead will have a budget surplus of $7000. That's not much, but it beats being in debt.
How much will Manny be paid in his new part time role? Is he grandfathered at his current rate?
The fact that Marla states, "All the cuts we're looking at now are coming from outside the classroom teachers," is yet another smoke and mirrors act. They instead are cutting Behavior Specialist for special ed, and paraeducator hours, volunteer coordinator time (equating to less volunteers in the classroom)......yes, not teachers, but some of the life blood that allows teachers be able to give the services to educate equitibly. Don't believe for a minute that students arent going to be affected this round.
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