The district is looking for architects interested in designing a building on property it owns on Broadway Avenue, at the south end of Memorial Stadium near 41st Street in Everett.
For more than two decades, the district has been trying to consolidate these departments into a single building. Currently, administrative services operate in three buildings — Colby Educational Center, the Longfellow Building and View Ridge Elementary.
A spokeswoman for the district said the new building would be funded in ways other than bond or levy money, possibly by interest, rentals or sale of property.
Seattle Times
Editorial: This sounds familiar. They just need to ensure the site near 41st Street is contaminated and we'll have a match.
The newspaper article also says "The new building would likely have about the same square footage as exists in the three buildings, but the space could be used more efficiently, Gunn said. For instance, space could be saved by sharing conference rooms, parking, restrooms and storage areas."
Here's a solution:
Why don't they just hire our great (sarcasm) Reconfiguration Team to come in, move a few portable walls, desks, chairs and phones and they would save millions!
How can their School Board vote to spend 28 million on a palace in our economy today? I would be embarassed if I was on their School Board!
I thought this letter to the editor today also had some good points. How many apply to Edmonds?
Published: Sunday, April 6, 2008
Spend $28 million on students instead
Regarding the Wednesday article, "Everett School District plans new offices":
So, the district is going to spend $28 million on a new administrative office building. But not to worry -- the money being used isn't bond money earmarked for schools, instead it's other money they have lying around. Who knew? Why hasn't the district ever let us know before that they had this kind of money lying around?
The burning question on all of our minds should be: If they have that much money, that can be used at their discretion -- shouldn't the money be spent on the children first?
$28 million buys a lot.
How about instead:
Provide free after school tutoring?
Build a swimming pool?
Implement an effective autism program?
Fund intramural sports?
Provide daily P.E.?
Give teachers the assistance they ask for?
Surely there are much better uses for this money than pricey new digs for the folks running the district. What is our school board thinking?
If the Everett School District has this kind of money lying around, the last thing it should be spent on is the comfort of administrators. Public schools are for the benefit of children, not the employment of adults.
We should mobilize on this one, parents and teachers alike. Think of all the teachers who are told every day in this district, "There isn't money in the budget for that," and the teacher goes without or is discouraged from pursuing something her students need. Then think of all the parents who are told by the teachers and school principals, "We'd love to be able to be able to provide an X program for our students, but we just don't have the resources."
This is outrageous. We need to take a stand and start showing up to school board meetings now.
Jessica Olson
Just another exammple of how tax payers tax dollars are being spent; do they really think that by constructing a new bulding for administrators will help kids learn? I think NOT! They should take a look at some of the schools which have housed students for more than 60 years! I attended Madison Elementary, and I am 65 years old! The school was built in the early 50's. Wouldn't it make more sense to build/remodel schools rather than have administrators bask in modern conveniences? Give me a desk, a telephone, working computer, and I can do the job no matter how old the building (as long it is safe and sound). KIDS deserve to placed FIRST on the list for improvements.
Amendment to last comment: Madison Elementary School was built in the 40's.
Just to compare: The district offices for Richland are in an old elementary building dating from the 40's (about as old as the community itself). It has been remodeled and gives a clean, bright, and comfy (if a bit cramped) feel. The superintendent (and one support person) shares a former classroom with the director of finance (and another support person). No Taj Mahal. The two district high schools are just completing multi-million dollar remodels to bring them up to "standard" with modern science labs, wi-fi capacity, upgraded bathrooms, excellent storage in each classroom (if the classrooms were about 100 sq.ft. larger it would be a bit less snug for 30 students), and upgraded technology with ceiling-mounted computer projectors.
Kennewick schools are similarly housed in a former school building. The largest of the three districts, Pasco, does have a two-story building built specific to the purpose but it is hardly posh.
These "digs" express the real utilitarian attitude of "kids come first." Not $200K salaries come first.
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