Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 12:59 PM
To: Sarah Johnson; Barbara Lowe; Kristina Brundage; Blaine Fritts; Lisa Erdman; Judy Perry
Cc: Cory Maki
Subject: From now on...
So, the Finance Director at Edmonds SD has given Cory a new name. From this point on he will now be called Spence as she has called him that the last two times she came in the room. So, just as Ian was given the name Lance, Cory will now answer to the name Spence.
Courtney Amonsen
Assistant Audit Manager
Washington State Auditor's Office
3501 Colby Avenue, Suite 100B
Everett, WA 98201-4794
(425) 257-2137 - Main Line
(425) 257-2149 - Fax
From: Kristina Brundage
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 1:12 PM
To: Courtney Amonsen; Sarah Johnson; Barbara Lowe; Blaine Fritts; Lisa Erdman; Judy Perry
Cc: Cory Maki
Subject: RE: From now on...
Did Spencer have that audit before?
From: Courtney Amonsen
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 1:14 PM
To: Kristina Brundage; Sarah Johnson; Barbara Lowe; Blaine Fritts; Lisa Erdman; Judy Perry
Cc: Cory Maki
Subject: RE: From now on...
If he did it was at least 4 years ago. That is no excuse to call Cory Spence because Cory has been here for the last two years.
From: Barbara Lowe
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 1:54 PM
To: Courtney Amonsen; Kristina Brundage; Sarah Johnson; Blaine Fritts; Lisa Erdman; Judy Perry
Cc: Cory Maki
Subject: RE: From now on...
He doesn’t look much like a Spence either. When I think of Spence, I think of Doug Heffernan’s friend Spence.
I hate to interrupt, but I felt that this should be out there for ALL to consider. Not just a select few. Is anyone aware of the latest tactics used by the Food Service department, to recover the lost hundreds of thousands of dollars? They are resorting to "cheap shotting" anyone to get their money back. Maybe you non counting people who implemented the "Free For All Free Food" program a few years back, should have considered the consequences. If this latest chatter is true, I promise that you will never be able get the lid back on the can of worms you are about to open. I am just waiting for a few more details, before I blog, and file a grievance of my own. Good luck. Raising the cost of a lunch as you did is really paying off huh? That was your first knee jerk reaction. Thought process recommended on your next move. It looks to be a bit more painful and costly to you from my perspective. But what do I know?
This is too funny. Way to go Marla!
I wonder if the stupidity is intentional.
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