The purpose of his contact was to express his gratitude for taking on such an honorable cause and to offer his financial support. He has no direct ties to Snohomish County but has family working in the Seattle area. Someone shared the blog with him and he has been reading it ever since.
It has been the policy of this forum to not accept any financial support from the public. Doing so would weaken the mission of the blog and allow opponents to assign a financial motive when no such motive exists.
Again, I wish to extend my sincere appreciation for the many anonymous contributors and, most of all, my sincere admiration for the people who have used their actual names while engaging in matters of great importance to the Edmonds School District.
While it may be true that the Superintendent doesn't agree with making statements anonymously, the State Auditor fully recognizes the power of constructive feedback from any source - known or unknown. Clearly, the State Auditor's Office has better things to do with their time than to hunt down opponents and make life difficult them.
The Superintendent has been hunting opponents for 25 years and certainly doesn't want his hunting license revoked or his choice of prey concealed by vegetation.
The blog is here to stay. We have regular readers from places as far away as Russia, Italy and Argentina, but the vast majority of readers are in Snohomish County. Every now and then you may see a corrupt image file at the bottom of the blog. The number climbs so quickly my counter is challenged with keeping up.
So Zandberg's going Hollywood. I knew the blog was too good to be true. Soon he'll be paling around with starlets instead of terrorists. The paparazzi will be all over him!
If Hollywood did make a movie about the blog, which actor would play Nick? Marla? Ken Limon? Tam? the food service lady who started the Shrammie? and, of course, who would play the hero, Mark Zandberg?
Of course Mark would play the HERO! He is OUR HERO; those who have been treated badly, lost jobs, humiliated, bullied, shunned, embarassed, and kicked to the curb! Mark is not going "Hollywood" - he is interested in the issues and concerns of the Edmonds School District, and the employees who are mis-treating employees and not following Policies and Procedures of the District.
I saw that movie. Wasn't it about a beautiful, young warrior waging war against blood-sucking vampires?
Life imitates art.
Mark Zandberg is a "beautiful young warrior"????
When compared to the photo of Medusa to the right.
Mark needs to slay more vampires.
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