Sunday, November 04, 2007

One hundred and forty-four days of blogging.

Gary and Kay Noble
While Gary sits on the board, his wife works at Lynnwood High School. This is in clear violation of board policy, despite legal counsel's rendering of the English language.

Pat Shields
Using influence to secure free rent for one of his pet projects, Pat is in violation of board policies and has no apparent ethical issue with taking public resources. Maybe I should ask about the funding for Powerful Partners' employee.

Bruce Williams
Arguably committed election fraud by relocating prior to an election. His violation of board policies prompted his resignation on September 11, 2007.

New Administration Site
Despite claims to the contrary, the new site is contaminated. If it wasn't, the District should have purchased it in 1991 when it was shockingly more affordable.

Many are left to question why the District chose to ignore their own appraisal and pay every penny of the seller's appraisal for a site that will cost a significant amount of money to remediate. At the per square foot Raskin was citing, the District should have sold their site to him.

Capital Partnerships
These widely-popular projects have moved to the Capital Projects Office, where management fees will mean a reduction in scope for every future partnership project.

Seattle Piano Gallery
A questionable deal appears to have left the District paying a lot of money for just four pianos. A request has been made for a copy of the $76,121.10 check that may bring the deal back to reality. Seattle Piano Gallery's owner appears to be filing for bankruptcy.

Letters of Direction
When you get one, and its only a matter of time, they apparently don't mean anything and shouldn't be taken literally. If a few short email messages diffuse the intent of a Letter of Direction, why hand them out in the first place?

Post-Resignation Conduct
Apparently, employees can never get out from under the District's thumb. Once you accept a paycheck, the District views you as owned property and unable to have an independent thought upon departing.

Don't make copies of checks
The District claims they don't retain copies of checks. This would be directly contrary to past practices for more than a decade. The tax-paying public would appreciate the retention of copies, and at ten cents per copy, it makes financial sense.

Cities do not honor Inter-Local Agreements
I have yet to receive any proof that payment has been made to support Terrace Park or Cedar Valley gym expansions. I know the District has asked for payment, but no doubt it was over turned on appeal.

Capital Facilities Plan
The board apparently doesn't read everything it adopts. The 2004-2009 CFP clearly demonstrated that student enrollment was trending downward and yet no one bothered to use the CFP when planning on financial support from the state.

Attendance Incentive Program
This program doesn't mean anything. If you show up for work every day and accumulate vacation at a greater than average rate, expect to lose everything over 30 when you leave.

Superintendent does not accept anonymous comments
And yet endorses the Auditor's use of anonymous comments to help guide the District in becoming a more efficient agency.

There are no cubicle standards in the ESC
Once upon a time, cubicles were kept at a minimum standard for the comfort and operational requirements of their occupants. Now, anyone can move high walls next to windows and cast shadows over their co-workers. is not a district domain
The District thought if they camped in my yard for a few nights, they could lay claim to my house. I should have charged a tent fee.


Anonymous said...

Webmaster: Thanks for the summary of recent events; a great way to scroll through subjects. You are doing a great job! Don't let 'em get you down!

Anonymous said...

"What a long strange trip its been." I keep wondering where will it end? Please get out and vote for change tomorrow. Most of all vote your conscience.

Anonymous said...

these are getting more informative as the months pass. thank you for your hard work, mark.

Anonymous said...


I have to commend you on your work. Having worked for the District for more than ten years, I can honestly report that very little can be done to encourage change while working from within. Your blog site has leveled the playing field and has exposed an obvious pattern of abuse.

Keep up the great work. said...

Thank you for your comments.

It has been a great 144 days and I look forward to the coming months and years of watching and reporting on how the District makes decisions and how they impact the lives of the public.

Hopefully the day will come when good news will find its way here.


Anonymous said...


I hope all of your hard work is not in vain. Marla does not seem to be losing any sleep over the blog and her side kicks (Manny, Margo, and Brian) all seem to be getting more and more arrogant as each day goes by. They are well protected by her and flaunt it. But I am reminded that all good things do come to and end and the evil will be exposed and defeated. So Mark, keep up the good work and remember that the darkess hour is just before dawn. Do not be weary in well doing, because in do season, you will reap a harvest of blessings.

Anonymous said...

Mark, It would be nice to sing the old song "Happy Days Are Here Again". I have many memories of the "good old days" when all employees were created "equal", whether your position was a Custodian, Secretary, Manager, Principal; we ALL worked as a TEAM, for the goodness and education of children! I have HOPE since discovering your web-site, and pray for your well being. said...

Thank you for your comment. The blog will be around as long as poor choices continue to be made, piles of money are handed out to friends of management, or a lack of transparency stifles the District's mission.

I am not trying to make anyone in management sleepy, since they will only start taking more naps at work.

Anonymous said...

Now that Gary Noble has been re-elected to the ESD Board, how does this affect the fact that his wife teaches in the ESD? I attended a function at the ESC this week for an employee's retirement. In chatting with former colleagues, I was told that the situation with the Noble's had been resolved and that the ruling about the husband/wife issue had been in effect previously, but was now not in effect and whomever brought this up on the ESD Blog didn't know what they were talking about!
Can the Webmaster look in to this and clarify please. Thanks, ever so. said...

Regarding the clear and specific direction board policy provides in governing the conduct of board members, I can only remind the reader that these rules are developed by the board and are honored only when convenient for them.

If board members cannot follow written direction, or need help from lawyers to understand the English language, what hope do we have for our students under their governance?

Anonymous said...

Again we get to witness first hand the arrogance factor. These people have such a drive to hold positions on the board, conduct and policies just don't matter. I find it terrbly sad that people don't have the integrity to even consider stepping down from a position like that. I often wonder if they had children of their own? I don't think it would be wrong to assume that if they were raised and coached by these politicians, that we potentially have some future problems. Did your parents raise you like this? Is this a learned behavior? I can't imagine that you are born into the world with a deviant mind. Based on election results, there are plenty of you who think this way. If nothing else, it feels good being different.

Anonymous said...

So, is it legal for Mr. Noble to continue on the ESD Board of Directors while his wife continues to teach in the District? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

No, it's not legal. But until someone challenges it in court, it will continue. Maybe the media can help? Or the auditor (ha ha)?