The School Board will recognize individuals and groups that have contributed to the children and staff of the District. Nominees can be an employee, a parent, or a community member that have supported students and staff in exceptional ways.
The following will be recognized at this Board meeting: Maintenance, Custodial, and Capital Projects Departments related to the varied summer projects.
The tip line received a call regarding the December 2nd board meeting where these people were "honored". Apparently, a banner was produced and the names of exceptional staff were clearly written upon that banner. Unfortunately, it was a list of names from years ago. Wouldn't it be nice if the actual employees currently on the payroll were the ones being honored? Someone was assigned the task of compiling the list of names and no one bothered to double check.
Is it that management doesn't actually know the people with whom they work? Is management just sloppy? How does a school board honor staff but then not even take the time to confirm that the names cited are still employed - or even alive. Gee, that must have been more than a little embarrassing. Good thing only a handful showed up to be "honored".
And the 15 employees that showed up this year at the board meeting of recognition, still believe in Marla. Shame on any of you Middle weights that attended. You should be suspended indefinately.
So tell us a name or two, from years ago, that was on the banner.
Where on earth did they get the list of names that was "from years ago"? Somehow, this doesn't surprise me, it only makes me shake my head.
A teacher, in the Edmonds School District, was planning to retire after 33 years of teaching. She made an appointment with HR to discuss her retirement. But before the discussion began she had to show proof (her driver's license) that she was, indeed, who she claimed to be! The point is, after 33 years of teaching in this district, no one at the ESC knows who you are!
Can you publish the names of those "honored"?
I did not see the first part of the board meeting, as I was at the Edmonds City Council meeting listening the District's attempt at presenting a CFP.
If any of our readers happened to be there, please fill us in. Otherwise, I will ask a couple of people that were there. Unfortunately, there were only four members of the public and two employees that were there when I was.
Imagine a school principal thanking all of his students for their hard work and then using a ten year old list to personalize a banner.
These people really are stupid. Of course, your board didn't have a clue.
I also think it is very funny that they only allowed five minutes to celebrate such a long list of former employees.
Naw, they just have to check your ID to make sure you aren't on a terrorist watch list or are an illegal immigrant. After 33 years, you can just never tell.
Seriously, to be kind to the administration (because someone has to), you don't know what kind of hoops the state or the feds have put up for employers. At the age of 61 I was "carded" when I bought two bottles of wine at Target. There is no one on the planet who would think from looking at me that I was underage. Yet there it was. Checking ID as you apply for retirement after 33 years could feel degrading.
Chris did not have to present ID when she "retired (under duress)" in Dec. 2006. It would be interesting to know why this policy has changed or whether this was just another bullying tactic of the administration. One more swift kick in the rear as you go out the door.
Poor form, in any case.
A list of MMS teaching staff to be honored might include the following: Jane Morck, Allison Schuler and several other English teachers who lead the development of the writing rubric around 1992-93 and who introduced The Reading-Writing Workshop and mentored new teachers. Belinda Gloyd utilized the Lindamood-Bell technique and students improved 2 to 4 reading levels in a school year. She encouraged others to take a local workshop so we could understand and support the technique. Julianna Gillett and others brought the Renaissance Program to our school, a program that rewards and celebrates personal improvement and high standards in learning. Both 7th and 8th grade moved to humanities blocks allowing for integrated learning. Socratic circles were introduced in 8th grade. Michelle O'Connor and Richard Reuther initiated the WEB program which helped new students to ease into middle school. It changed the atmosphere at school. I see many of these techniques in Pasco and Richland schools being implimented and augmented today to improve reading/writing levels while they disappear in Edmonds. Judy Kawabori started the honors program in Edmonds and took the appropriate course work to lead the program; debate competition began. The list might include Debbie Jacobson who applied for and received a grant to allow her students to use the NASA Radio telescope. She and her students stayed up all night to work with the telescope. Richard and Chris Reuther introduced National History Day--took students to Regionals and State five years in a row; Nationals once. High school English teachers sent word over that these students stood out, were better prepared. Several PEF grants were collected by staff, including Chris Reuther who recieved 4 of 5 she wrote. Richard Reuther co-wrote the $2500 grant received by MM social studies department...two MAC computers loaded for creating documentaries. MM sent groups to NHD regionals with documentaries--thanks to Mr. Reuther.
Notice that most of these people are gone along with the programs that they championed.
The first middle school key results task for ESD was developed at Briar Terrace. I feel sure there are many unsung teachers at other schools. Write in if you know their names and tell us more.
Chris Reuther
Oops! I forgot to include the two Golden Apple Awards winners--Judy Kawabori and Debbie Jacobson.
Stop trying to please me its over. I want peoples jobs now. I will not stop untill god stops me.
If someones not going to take the time to do a good job, why should the workers take the time.
I would like the district to give a written apology for the mistake.
My uncle has been dead for sometime now.
All Union people, start to think about a STRIKE! STRIKE! STRIKE!
Problem with union people striking is that the union leadership needs to get out of bed with management first. Or the union leadership needs to be replaced. Either would work.
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