Eight minutes and 30 seconds later, this user visited another page on the blog.
At 8:53 AM, using Internet Explorer 6.0 and Windows XP with a monitor resolution of 1024x768 and an IP address of, a user named Perkins Coie logged on to the blog. They visited the entry found by clicking here.
At 8:55 AM, this same user at Perkins Coie then visited another entry found by clicking here.
The total time spent on the blog by Perkins Coie was less than two minutes and involved visits to no more than two entries. At a rate of $360 an hour, the bill for this legal review will be - if they bill by the minute - no less than $12.00. That is 17 frozen cheese sandwiches.
Points to review by legal:
"seems to expose a rather disturbing trend"
The author's impression or opinion.
"seem[s] that no one at the District is capable of seeing a legal argument"
The author's impression or opinion.
"no one on staff...apparently knows when a legal threshold has been crossed"
The author's impression or opinion.
"the habit of channeling business to friends"
Demonstrated fact of past conduct. [See: Piano Scam]
"What are the rest of us supposed to believe about the intelligence of district management?"
Asking a question. The answer could be rather flattering to district management.
"The District has developed an itchy trigger finger because they never paid for the gun or ammo and have no stake in the bloodshed the bullets may cause."
If this statement suggests a veiled threat of some kind, keep in mind that the District is the one depicted as holding a gun.
"The Board continues to deny the fact that Gary Noble is a squatter and needs to be ejected from his illegitimately acquired seat."
Statement of fact. [See: Gary Noble]
"The issue will no doubt end up in a court room and will result in one simple conclusion."
If this is interpreted as a threat of some kind, that cannot be helped. The public has the choice to file for corrective action and will likely do so. I have faith in my community.
"Are members of the public so simple that lawyers can easily convince them to focus on a single dot rather than a line or a pattern?"
This seems to be either a criticism of unknown members of the public or a compliment to the legal profession.
"The District will continue to bleed cash on lawyers when people that lack legal training or legal sense engage the services of lawyers to defend incredibly stupid choices."
I am not aware of any member of district staff having passed the Washington State Bar or management actually using the opinions of such district exceptions during the course of discussions regarding facilities or operations.
"The lawyers defending the District are reminiscent of the worst sort of defense attorneys - those doing whatever is necessary to get their client off, even if their client committed the crime."
A direct comparison between the District's lawyers and criminal defense attorneys working hard to serve their client. Again, a compliment to lawyers or perhaps a direct comparison with the fashion sense they may have in common.
Note to Legal: I normally work from 6:45 AM until 3:45 PM. Today would be a normal day.
This entry proves the validity of the last one.
If the lawyers could vote on Board members, they would keep this board in tact.
Very funny, Mark. Thank you.
Thank you, Mark, for the time you dedicate to the Blog. The factual and accuracy of this article is amazing.
Julie D.,retired (but not by choice).
Is maintenance Dept loosing lead pay?
rumors say it is so.
Where o where is 925 SEIU. If you guys don't stand NOW! you all lose.
also what do you do. can you write that down too.
jorge, he's a great guy right? Ha ha ha ha.
dear cathy you want to play games, then game on.
If you want to call Perkins Coie just call 206-359-8845 they can help you too.
Who's Jorge?
Jorge is a man that has no legal claim against the blog and should not seek legal advice from the District or its nefarious parasites.
At very end of an article on Gitmo and its detainees in today's paper, there was mention of Perkins Coie suing the federal government to obtain the release of prisoners there.
How 'bout the prisoners at the good ol' ESC? You know, the ones that are being bullied and harassed. Gitmo Light, but still...when it's torture to go to work...
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