Our experience is extensive. Our lead installer has experience building out AO2 cubicles and can reconfigure a space containing 20 to 30 employees over a single weekend. Collectively, we have designed more efficient work spaces, tracked existing inventory, tapped resources for obtaining additional Herman Miller AO2 panels and pieces, coordinated the delivery of portable crates, managed the networking requirements of the new space, enlisted the services of licensed electricians to ensure safe, code-compliant connections and cleaned the entire space so staff can get to work promptly once they return.
Why confine yourself to the limitations of a static work environment when your staffing needs change all of the time? The panels move, after all. They easily come apart and easily go back together. It isn't rocket science, so why would you pay rocket science rates?
Herman Miller AO2 panels and pieces are very common and additional pieces can be acquired on the secondary market for a fraction of the original price. Our staff is even skilled at reupholstering panels to make them work in a more aesthetically pleasing manner. No mish-mash of colors or a splash of contrast where such a splash really isn't wanted.
Why waste the time of valuable, internal staff with something so simple as a reconfiguration? Why would any public agency want their employees harboring grudges against co-workers for messing up what was only an inefficient space and now is an horrendous mess that accommodates no one? Let those valuable employees get back to filling out purchase orders or tracking keys.
Our reconfiguration service is founded on one basic premise. We serve as reconfiguration consultants. We assemble the best people and products and ensure the lowest possible price and shortest possible down time because of our vast experience in the industry.
If you are concerned about what your accounting department might say about that fat check made out to ESD15.org, don't worry, as consultants we won't charge you a thing. You just pay for the parts and the hourly rate of our highly-efficient installer.
If you need a first or second opinion about how to get your space modified to meet your programmatic needs for the lowest possible price, do yourself a favor and email us immediately.
Please don't tell me there's another reconfiguration going on over there.....although there seems to be fewer employees at the ESC all the time.
And, when are they building that new ESC?
just ask bob hansen about spending money/tax payers money on reconfiguration.
Marla how about the cuts?
who do you hate this year?
one big joke.
What about the lock down at edmonds elem? There might be cazy dad running around. This is not a joke, the edmonds school district has hired a guy to walk the grounds and its not for one day either. This poor guy is our first line of defence. I hope he can dodge BULLETS! he looks fast....
The District is no longer in a position to do reconfigurations internally. Sure, they can change a cubicle or two every now and then, but anything more and they'll need external vendors.
Be careful HR. Once they finally reconfigure you, everyone will move out of the ESC and take up residence at the warehouse.
Tam probably needs more room to browbeat innocent employees who have been accused of various things by psychotic students. Tam is the biggest bully of all!
What? They're not calling in the local police any more? If the level of response is equal to the level of threat, there should be no problem. They set the Lynnwood police after us, even though we live 180 miles away. But then again, we never triggered a lockdown.
What's going on at Edmonds Elem? I don't know what the folks on the blog are talking about--fill me in, please.
Why is there a problem at Edmonds Elem and yet no one else knows about it? Hopefully the Enterprise will be the first to report the news.
Crazy dad running around Edmonds Elem. Thats why the district has hired a guard/custodian/povit boy/do anything/take a bullet guy.
Mark, I'm confused. Is there, or isn't there a reconfiguration being considered? and by who? I also don't know the Edmonds Elem. story....fill us all in please????
Apparently, the husband of the Prof-Tech President was hired to monitor Edmonds Elementary because of a domestic issue involving students at the school.
His job is to walk around the school and keep an eye on things. He doesn't have to push a broom or pick up trash, because he might be distracted from his critical task.
Christmas came early for the Thornhills.
I'm wondering why they didn't have Manny do the job at Edmonds Elem. all he does is wonder around the ESC collecting that nice pay check each month. He has lots of training in being the go for boy.
Husband of Prof-Tech Pres hired by the District? Sounds like a conflict of interest on the part of the Pres. Or potential blackmail point by district in future union negotiations. At best, it is an example of poor judgement on the part of several people.
Ethical violations aren't limited to people in Washington, DC.
Oh my gosh--I just thought of an incredible idea!! At the last board meeting a newspaper staff member from Mountlake Terrace High School said that their ASB doesn't have much money these days since they can't sell soda pop, candy, etc. He then asked the board if they could think of any new money making ideas.
Well, here's my idea--hire the ASB kids to do reconfigurations at the ESC!!! I'm not kidding!! Some teacher would be glad to learn this skill and could come in on a weekend with kids and parents and earn a huge amount of money for ASB!! It would be easier than selling burgers every Saturday at Husky Football games, and easier than selling wrapping paper, etc. I'm going to write to that student right now. Sure, there would be some hoops to jump through--maybe forming a business, maybe lowest bid, but what a great idea! What a great learning experience!! I consider myself to be a "problem solver"--watch for my name as a school board candidate next fall.
Great idea.
Of course the salary of the person responsible for performing this task should be trimmed back accordingly. It is commonly known that she isn't even meeting the minimum threshold of the job as it was descibed in 2001 at $36,000 a year. She earns $64,000 a year presently.
Why not expand the concept to other work that is currently contracted out or neglected entirely?
Your idea is a great one.
Marilyn what a great idea. I have a friend whose son did this kind of work after he got out of high school. It was a great learning experience for him. Working on with a team and reading blue prints. The district should have thought about this but oh I forget the students best interest is last in their thoughts. Keep up the great idea and thoughts for the students in our district.
The districts philosophy is that they do not down grade a position until the employee in that position leaves than they look at the scope of the work and reevaluate the work and decide where it falls on the pay scale. In other word even if the employee goes thru a PDQ or reclassification and the job is downgraded the employee will be grandfathered at their level. I find that most positions get upgraded after an employee leaves the position even if the employee had the job reclassified. Most employees after several tries for reclassification will leave the position it is the only way they can make more $$$. The district will say when a position is vacated that is the time to look at the scope of work and make changes before the hiring process. It's an opportunity for the supervisor to make changes in their department. Our OP group has lost work with this philosophy usually going to a meet and confer group. Our union seems to not care anymore so they loose the dues and membership.
Through the eyes of Linda H
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