-----Original Message-----
From: mark@esd15.org
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 8:48 AM
To: Jocelyn Robinson; Eric Stevick
Subject: Questions for Candidates
I was just informed that the Enterprise published a Q and A article regarding the candidates for Edmonds School Board. I was also informed that you have no information from me and that I "did not respond".
May I ask just how exactly you attempted to contact me because no one has ever had any difficulty in doing so? Is this fair and effective journalism for our community?
While it is true that I was in Ethiopia for the month of September, my calls and email were monitored every day and I was still responding to every inquiry - even from Addis Ababa.
At the very least, all of my biographical information and my views on every issue imaginable are freely available on the internet.
Mark Zandberg
Hi Mark,
We sent the letters and questions through the mail to the addresses listed on the Snohomish County auditor's website.
I've attached the questions we sent to Edmonds School District candidates. If you can get these back to me by Monday, Oct. 26, I can include them online. I can't guarantee that we'll be able to publish the entire answers in the newspaper, but we will at least include a referral to the website.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Jocelyn Robinson
Enterprise News Editor
I returned from Ethiopia on October 3, 2009, the day after the Public Forum hosted by the City of Edmonds. There was nothing in the mailbox from the Enterprise and no telephone messages or email from anyone at the Enterprise. There was nothing ever mailed to me from the Enterprise to the address where I was living at the time I filed as a candidate, nor was anything from the Enterprise forwarded to my address in Edmonds.
Clearly, the Enterprise felt it would be beneficial to allow Ann McMurray and Susan Phillips to get their messages out in their small newspaper while maintaining the illusion that they were being fair and effective.
What newspaper, in this day and age, sends questions out in snail mail? One could naturally assume that if something was mailed to a candidate, the responses could be mailed back. The "journalist" (and I use the term loosely here) would then have to have the questions and answers typed up. Why not send the questions by email? After all, our email addresses were included with our physical addresses when we filed as candidates. And of course, any real journalist wouldn't have any difficulty finding contact information for the moderator of a blog with more than 400,000 page views.
Why wouldn't this "journalist" follow up with a telephone call or an email? "Gee, I noticed that you did not respond to the letter that I mailed. Did you ever receive it?" Of course, I cannot respond to a letter that was never mailed.
What is funny is that after I "complained", I was given an opportunity to respond but not given any real chance to appear in print. There was a notation at the bottom of their web article stating that my responses were submitted after the original article was published. As if to suggest that I would copy the written work of the other candidates (assuming they actually wrote their own statements).
Is anyone actually surprised that print media is failing?
Thank you for sharing this article/information with ESD Bloggers.
Eric Stevick and Marla Miller have a unique relationship. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. He would never allow you, Mark, to gain any kind of hold within the Edmonds School District.
This makes sense. When we contacted the Herald, the reporter seemed interested at first but then suddenly told us that the paper would not be interested in a "he said/she said" story. We have always wondered what happened behind the scenes to change her mind.
People with power know other people with power. Scratch, scratch.
The Hearld is going away soon, so don't sweet the small stuff.
Eric has no spine. Who reads his stuff. He's a joke of a writer anyway.
Davis Wright Tremaine is reading this blog entry. It looks like Eric doesn't understand the First Amendment - and he works for a newspaper?
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