District administrators and parents are studying whether to close the seventh and eighth grades at Terrace Park and send those students to Brier Terrace. The Citizen's Planning Committee aims to make a recommendation to the Edmonds School Board in November.
Enrollment in the seventh and eighth grades at Terrace Park K-8 is not at the level that generates enough staffing to give "optimal opportunities," said district spokesperson Debbie Jakala.
"The main driver for (a change) of this nature is making sure (students) are receiving the best academic program offerings they can," she said.
The main reason for the proposed change is not to save money, she said.
If the seventh and eight grades close, that could affect children in the Challenge Program, which is at Terrace Park. Sometimes families opt to keep their children at Terrace Park through seventh and eighth grade, said Jakala.
Read the rest of the article by clicking here.
By Sarah Koenig
Enterprise reporter
Of course it's for the money!!! How can Jakala even say that it's for the kids. What a liar!! Terrace Park has always been listed as one of the five smallest schools in the district. I say, "Move em. Consolidate schools to save money. Get over it people. We can't live like a king anymore."
I'm sorry, what grade did Debbie say her two kids were in?
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