Friday, September 21, 2007

The So-Called Attendance Incentive Program

The District has a number of Board Policies that don't accomplish anything. They are merely placeholders for future action - when the Board isn't busy plotting real estate schemes and handing out raises during a budget crisis. Two such policies quickly come to mind, one is the Whistleblower Program and it reads as follows;

The Edmonds School District:
1. expects its employees to report improper governmental action taken by its officers or employees, and
2. protects employees who have reported improper governmental actions in accordance with this policy and related procedures.

The superintendent shall establish procedures for receiving and acting on employee reports of improper governmental actions and responding to allegations of retaliation.

To date, no procedures have been established.

The other policy is the Attendance Incentive Program and it reads as follows;

The Edmonds School District shall provide an attendance incentive program for employees who are not members of a recognized bargaining unit. This program shall operate in accordance with the terms and limitations of applicable statues and regulations.

While the District claims to encourage staff to attend work regularly, they limit the number of vacation days to 50 and then refuse to compensate a departing employee for any days accumulated over 30. Where is the reasoning behind this ill-conceived formula? What incentive does anyone have to accumulate more than 30 days? Can we infuse a little wisdom into the program and meet in the middle? Sick days are paid out at a rate of 25% of actual value. Where's the incentive there?

It would make sense to reduce the accumulated maximum for vacation days to 45 days and then compensate an employee for the full 45 days when he or she is constructively terminated for whistleblowing.


Anonymous said...


I would like to see the written documentation for not fully compensating accrued vacation. Does it exist? If not, I think it would be worth pursuing, don't you? said...

I have asked for District documentation from the Payroll Manager and she was unable to provide any such information. She did cut and paste a link to a website that meant absolutely nothing. "Sorry, I can’t help you with this one; I don’t know about [the Attendance Incentive Program]".

I bumped my request over to the Public Records Custodian and I am now waiting in line.

Anonymous said...

Edmonds Shool District attendance Incentive program:
1.You earn
2.You save
3.We take
4.We save

Anonymous said...

Will the legal team send a letter to the district? It might get them to move a little faster and quit BS'ing you.

Also, check out Labor and Industries Web Site

It's a good source of information about workers rights in the State of Washington.

Anonymous said...

The reason is simple - they do not want employyes to use vacation time. Once you have exceeded the maximum, they can take the time away from you. All they have to do is deny/discourage vacation opportunity long enough to force an amployee into that position. Twice I received almost no opportunity to take vacation, during a year and I now find myself in the "use it or lose it" position (and have to argue to take the vacation contractually "allowed".

Anonymous said...

well, it's illegal, and if they refuse to pay it, take 'em to small claims court (see the notes on the Labor and Industries web site).

Anonymous said...

Then their are those employees that are out sick or vacation and never turn in paperwork and their balances are never touch. Other turn in every leave and end up with little left on the balance line but can at least know they did the right thing. Some people are gone so much their ain't know way they have vacation or sick leave hours available. Know one tracks leave hours for their employees like they should so it is easy to get away with it especially if you are in supervision. Who is asking for the HR100?

Anonymous said...

Dear Edmonds School District,
To the new girl, I like you, but you will loose in the long run Honey. You are a fall girl for Debbie Carter so get use to saying "yes" all the time OK!
Knock! Knock! oh thats right you don't have a door.

Anonymous said...

To 0925554,
I wholeheartedly agree with you. How about the district stop being concerned about my trips to the bathroom as being part of an accumultive break? I wonder how many of you over there in Human Resources can make it to the " Big O Tire" area of highway 99 and 216th to drop off your vehicle for service, and make it back to ESC in 15 minutes? And if by chance you can, I'm sure you make no trips to the bathroom thereafter. How about a quick trip to Albertsons at James Village to contribute to the Howard Schultz Foundation? Then 2 hours later, you just have to sneak accross the lobby to Barbs Bistro for round 2. You bet, I hardly notice you. I do see incentive in HR to save sick days. The reason is simple, if your initials are in the neighborhood of let me see..... uhhh, okay TP, HR will allow you to take hundreds of days off over the course of the last few years, without documentation. So those days she saves, she REEEEEALLY saves. Turn in your HR 100s and your HR 72s. Get busy you've got alot of work to do. See you soon. Nevermind your still out. AGAIN. Oh, and could I see the physicians report on this one? No, the original document. I can make a copy. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

I must add the beloved exempt employees. Some work overtime and receive pay and some even get to switch days which to me means they get comp time. example: I work 4 hours Sat. so I get to come in late on Monday. I guess in my small brain I thought exempt employees worked as many hours as needed and did not get extra compensation. Just like they can work only a 4 hour day and they are have hours deducted. They receive the big $'s to be EXEMPT!

Anonymous said...

Well Well,
The words out I have been watching the interPRIZES that HR hands out to their DEPT. Can I have some EXTRA SICK DAYS PLEASE. OH, thats right were not EXEMPT EMPLOYEES, we have to work 40 hrs in a week,IT's not hard to do HR. Sorry, to the only guy back there & to the straight up GIRLS. BUT THIS NEEDS TO BE SAID!


Anonymous said...

Forget Nick, How about the Supervisor that says he's visiting his wife at the hospital, and then 30 minutes later seen at Safeway in south Everett. Hmmmm? Nevermind, Exempt! Exempt? Definition: Not accountable, must always say yes, and wear cologne.
Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

You know, I wonder how deceitful husband and wife are toward each other? That has to be a pleasant household. They couldn't possibly share all the allegations against each other. Could they? They HAVE shared plenty of days off together. Funny how that has come to a screeching halt. Do they think that much alike? Did they adopt the ole "Don't ask don't tell" policy? My guess is they are both just morally bankrupt. Simple as that!

Anonymous said...

It's okay, we hire and promote supervisors and managers based on the principle that you will be at your desired District level of incompetence. Exempt, defined (for some, not all): I work the schedule I choose dammit. Twenty days of vacation isn't enough, I need 60! That damn payroll department lost my HR100 again! Six working hours a day is good too! Where is our leadership? The sick leave incentive policy is a farce!! Don't forget those poor SOB's that rack up so much comp time they'll never see the light of those days!

Anonymous said...

It's okay, we hire and promote supervisors and managers based on the principle that you will be at your desired District level of incompetence. Exempt, defined (for some, not all): I work the schedule I choose dammit. Twenty days of vacation isn't enough, I need 60! That damn payroll department lost my HR100 again! Six working hours a day is good too! Where is our leadership? The sick leave incentive policy is a farce!! Don't forget those poor SOB's that rack up so much comp time they'll never see the light of those days!

Anonymous said...

We're still coming and going in my department. How can you effectively run your department when you only work 6.5 to 7.5 hours a day? That is a generous figure, oh by the way. News flash!!!! Your employees shoulder the burden of not only executing, but scheduling, and compensating for your inherent incompetence. Hey, keep up the good work!